and this, is the glamorous photo of us shooting. MUAHAHAHA. wah damn fun siol the shooting part.. haha got rifle got pistol. and the guy who ushered us in was damn nice. haha. my score perfect sia!!! rifle 100% hit. pistol also hit all the targets.. lol. i think pistol is harder to use than rifle.. coz of the recoil and stuff. but its damn fun. picture of the day: haha this is my cousin riding the "rodeo" thing. haha. dunno how to spell sry. its some kinda bull machine which tries to fling u off and u have to stay on for as long as possible to get a prize. haha. damn funny watching people FLY off the bull. really fly. but lucky got the air mattress. haha. anyway today i found out that i tio switch side.. now on even side. zzz. now have to re-memorise everything.. this is sadness. coz mr azlan say odd side trombones too strong. so i switch place with harith and hong wan stay. zz. i lazy to re-memorise leh... probably be a challenge but sounds fun. haha. pity harith though, without me, my sides pretty boring. HEHEHEHE SELF PRAISE. lol. oh yeah i cant wait to get a PSP now... first games i wanna get: dynasty warriors and yu-gi-oh. haha i know these games are kinda old but they're FUN!!! lol. and i think i just found out what i wanna be when i grow up.. due to the shooting gallery thing. i think being a policeman sounds VERY COOL. really. sounds really really very cool. haha. but dunno whether they allow short people. heehee. yes yes, i admit. i am short. and i am not going to deny it. haha. who cares? it may be a blessing in disguise... haha. which brings me to this... i think people nowadays are mentally weak.. they cant really take setbacks. whenever they're hit with something in life, they'll go:" oh shit, i'm hit, and i cant go on any further.. sorry, and forgive me." this attitude is totally crap la. i think that people should really learn to take things in their stride and move on. instead of mourning in a mistake, why not make use of the experience and "level-up"? (oh yeah this isnt directed to anyone out there btw, just making a statement. hehe. ) so.. what i'm trying to say is that people nowadays should really reflect and really think abt what they've done all the way. it is a great help. haha. i do it all the time. oh btw. sometimes when u reflect, it kinda hurts. especially when u realise what a IDIOT you've been. haha. but u just have to realise ur mistake, learn from it then move on. haha. i know this always is said by people like principals and teachers.. but not many people really take these to heart. but seriously la. try doing it. it really helps in life. haha. oh and FYI my cousin is sec 1 in north vista sec. lol. dunno why am i saying this but, any girl wanna woo him? XDDDD i'll be the matchmaker!!!
posted @ 10:55 PM |
Friday, May 30, 2008
yo ppl!!
lol today nothing much to blog abt, as well as the other days.. hehehe. thats why neva blog. woohoo.
anyway today i went to wilmar's house with ee zeng to play basketball.. haha. ivan was supposed to come along, but suay suay he kena knocked down by bicycle.. hahaha. HAHAHAHA. hehehe i know i am damn bad for laughing at him.. heehee.
the reason he kena bang is cause he go chase his tuition friend.. chase chase chase then never see bicycle coming.. hehehe then bicycle neva stop in time bang him lorr. lol. its kinda funny la..
ok fine SORRY.
anyway had band ytd, lol we're finally in the field!! haha so many sabah ppl cannot take it seyy.. i think sabah too stressful liao. lol.
so anyway back to today.. went to wilmar's house, played bball for like an hour then went up to his house to play his new XBox 360.. haha. kinda cool games.. we played GTA 4, and NBA Live 08. haha. addictive games..
walau the damned XBox so cool seyy.. can be turned on from the wireless controller!!! (haha humour and horniness not intended..) and i just realised GTA 4 is a sick, horny game. haha. can go stripclub in that game wan siol.. haha. but the fun is in crashing everyone down with whatever vehicle u have...
i think that game can be misleading to small kids.. who knows? they may be inspired to do crimes in their later life due to that game ah.. haha. so better not let ur kids play, unless they're VERY SENSIBLE. heehee.
lol anyway shit la i'm into rakion AGAIN. lol wtf. but i'm still too addicted to one piece. sorry la i know i very SLOW. but then, its a GREAT SHOW i'm telling you.
OH YEAH OH YEAH!!! muahahaha i just remembered. after playing the XBox until sian we decided to prank call ppl!!! haha.
Victims: Kevin Koh (lol random suggested by wilmar.)
Ethel Koh (also random)
Mr Kelvin Pang (HAHAHAHA)
Goh Jie Sheng (also suggested by wilmar)
LOL!!! damn funny especially Mr Sam Lee's prank call. hehehe sorry if these ppl were offended. but im sure they know its all for fun. hahaha. oh yeah anyone who wanna hear the recording of the prank call can look for me. muahahaha.
thats all for today, BYE!!
posted @ 11:24 PM |
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
muahaha recently been spending quite some money with mum and bryan. lol. we go mcdonalds.. bla bla bla. dunno why either. havent that much money for so long.. haha.
lol today band supposed to start at 1, but i went to school at 11am. muahaha. to play basketball with ee zeng. we met each other right outside school. then went to play basketball. heehee after playing for a while ee zeng say he tired.. so we go drink water then go up.
it was 11.30++ still damn early so we decided to play our inst. lol. we camp in the inst room and play inst. so damn fun seyy.. this is also known as inst bonding. and its really effective la. i love my inst so much!! lol. sounds so gay.
after playing there for like another 30 mins we went down for lunch. heehee. ate fried rice with chicken. lol. HALAL FOOD!!
so... after eating we went to play our inst again, except that this time i switched my inst from indoor to outdoor. LOL. the outdoor mouthpiece so easy to pitch!!! omg.
so after that i took the sec 2s for sectionals, and we were joined by the sec 4s. haha. so malu. asked them to take us but they dun wan... zzz. so i took them all la.. hehehehe good job koh si ying. good progress. lol. seems like pregnancy helps eh? XDDD
so after that we went to the hall for combined.. did gimmicks and stuff. haha at the end of band xingjie dun dare to lock up the hall seyy. i was watching from the gallery. humji man. heehee. so in the end ee zeng off the hall lights close the shutters then climb up to the gallery. lol. after that we went home..
so cold sia on the bus. especially with the rain.. freezing. MUAHAHA CHIA WENHUI COULDNT GET ON THE BUS@@@@ person was drinking bubble tea. LOL. ee zeng and harith were drinking slurpee, but managed to smuggle onto the bus. HEEHEE. noobs. dunno how to hide siol. unlike us masters of mystery. LOL. random.
aiyo. dunno what else to blog abt. except that nadzirah, shaza, jannah and gang are retards for mistaking my basketball for a big bag of food. wth. =.= person one cant eat that much. some more i so SLIM. MUAHAHAHAHA@@@@
and... to end the post: DUN STARE AT ME I'M ATTACHED.
posted @ 8:36 PM |
Sunday, May 25, 2008
well, first of all i'd like to say sorry to a certain band junior whom i scolded on her blog. i dun really know why i did it, now i think of it. i guess i over-reacted when i read someone criticising the work we put in.. sorry for emotional damage? lol.
anyway i've been receiving these weird comments on my photos... wth man. especially hajar. wth. " lol. the orange shirt one looks like someone who eats pau everyday... -.-"
this is damn random okay. i did not eat that many paus last time.. ah maybe la. lol.
ah. anway i wanted to blog abt band ytd. lol i woke up at 6am ytd to go for band. lol. i reached school at 7.15++ to play basketball. lol. played with ee zeng for a while before we decided to stop and change for band. haha.
after that we went to get our instruments.. and started practising. lol. i'm seriously not used to the outdoor trombone mouthpiece after using the bass trombone mouthpiece. the outdoor one is like so damn small la... hehehehe but can pitch higher notes@@@.
then we had outdoor session with the sec 1s in the hall. uh i think they've really improved in terms of drills. lol. good work, but still can be improved. haha. this is what everyone says. after that we taught the juniors the gimmicks and stuff.. dont really think there was enuf time to let them really "master" it though. haha. then we had dancing lessons. so funny la. michelle said must make "8" with our asses. haha. rachel was laughing at what i was doing. lol. i was making BIG 8s with my ass. lol.
after doing a few run-throughs with gimmicks, we were to play captain's ball. lol. COOL. i love ball games. especially those involved with hands. heehee.
[edited] my team was: uh me, michelle, wenhui, korjian, nadia, ChenJing, Weicheng, *a girl whom i forgot the name*, and dunnno who else liao.
ok sorry i forgot ur names la.. i think the sec 1 that made the biggest impression on me was nadia. she was like going all out for the ball. haha. so tall and skinny and she was stretching all over the person with the ball. even mr azlan. HAHA. hey i just realised.. maybe she could be coming in to trombones.. haha coz she reminds me of hong wan. lol. but highest chance she go clts. lol. no harm done.
after my team owned other teams a few times, we played a special match. muahahaha sec 3s +michelle + mr azlan, VERSUS sec 1s + sec 2s + francis + mr sumitra. WTH.
the sec1s alone got like 40 ppl i think, thats what siyan said. lol. plus the sec 2s, who made up like maybe arnd 20++? that make 60++ ppl, with Mr sumitra and FRANCIS.
my team had only 16 sec 3s, with michelle and mr azlan. HOW TO WIN? francis was the person who was supposed to catch the ball to score a point, by the way. HOW TO BLOCK? haha ee zeng found out how. he stepped on the chair and smacked the ball out of francis' hand everytime. damn funny siol.
then the sec 2s and 1s wanna take revenge. i was standing on the chair at my side, and when zul came with the ball, the sec 2s and 1s push me down siol. =.= haha. but damn fun. everyone was laughing and loving it. but one thing, everytime someone on my team got the ball, the lower secs just taupok the person la. but ee zeng managed to overcome the crowd by shaking his body crazily and he was free@@.
after band had to go to my cousins bday party.. lol. didnt know he made so many weird friends in his sec school. he's sec 1, btw. and his friends are pretty weird.. got gay one. lol. but siala. all got PSP. and one of them bought my cousin a yugioh game for his PSP. haha. i played it for a few hours. muahahaha. lol.
when go home at arnd 10, i forgot to get my basket ball.. damn sad. lol.
OH YEAH OH YEAH. i dreamt last night, that i got into a fight. haha.
let me describe the dream to you.
uh in the dream i was fighting 2 boys from 2H last year. haha. dun worry not from band. uh i also dunno why i dreamt of this. its bloody random. lol. so i dreamt that these two kept disturbing me. for no reason at all. then when comign out of the computer lab they still disturb me. so i tell them come out. then haha. i fought with them. lol. when we were outside one of them tried to hit me ah. but he missed. lol. just when i was abt to hit him, my mum opened the room door and i woke up. haha. at that time i was just confused at why i dreamt that. LOL.
lol. nothing to blog abt liao. ciaos.
posted @ 11:53 AM |
Friday, May 23, 2008
well ppl this is a second post of the day.
haha. bon voyage to those leaving for sabah and those leaving for cameron!!
have a safe journey, and dun come back pregnant. lol.
i just realised that its days away from june, and that the june camp is coming soon..
this time the sec 4s say the sec 3s will be arranging.. will we be up to it? we really dun know. i really think it'll be a hell of a mess. if people stay in their groups and dun open up.
what i'm trying to say is, we should really stop all this group thingy and start acting as a batch. we have to work together. no enmity or anger at anybody anymore. if there's any, that is. haha.
have to start bonding. regardless of who. haha.
posted @ 8:28 PM |
MUAHAHAHA!!! taken at P3 or P... hmmm... lol. look like prisoner. haha. taken at P6.. lol many ppl say look like jet. taken at sec 1.. damn i look like pork. LOL! taken a few hours ago. hehehehe. this is the reason why i'm attached!! HAHAHA. tmrw got band.. cant wait. lol. but sadly got alot of ppl not going. coz alot go Sabah and some go cameron. heard that there wont be any euphos tmrw. LOL. lets see... anyway hong wan wont be there.. so i'm temporarily the section IC.. dun really like the idea though.. i never ever thought of becoming someone to lead the section. haha. hopefully he comes back soon... but, should be kinda fun. heehee. anyway just wanted to say BAND *** !!! MUAHAHAHA@@@@ and that i'm attached. XD
just now went to school with my mother to collect report book... hehehe not too bad..
comments were like: kenneth has potential. kenneth is chatty. kenneth needs to focus. lol. the usual. hehehehe.
i got 8th in class.. MUAHAHA. 177 in the level. mrs goh said i've improved from last year. hmmm.. true anot? haha. maybe only for science and english la.. but chinese deprove badly.
English Language: B4
Chinese: B4
A. Math: D7
Math: B4
Science(Phy,Chem):A2 WOOHOO@@@
Combined Hum.: D7
D&T: B4
hehehe... remarks: Kenneth is teachable and responsive to advice and feedback. He has the potential to excel and must work harder for Additional Mathematics.\
after that went to the ICA to make my IC...
haha made new passport sized photos because cannot find my one... zzz. haha.
let me show u how i've grown thru the years...taken at P1. heehee.
posted @ 5:29 PM |
Thursday, May 22, 2008
anyway this is a photo of ee zeng wearing the mask. haha. taken ytd.
posted @ 7:54 PM |
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
oh my shit. IVAN HAS A BLOG?!
lol. just found out by jumping around ppl's blogs. muahaha.
this is kinda gonna be a short post coz i'm kinda tired and gotta turn in soon..
all because class full of slackers. haha. nobody really planned the haunted house thingy for tmrw bazaar. so only today we had like 3 hrs to plan and set up everything?
so tmrw have to go early to put the finishing touches.. zzz.
all ppl out there, please come and support us@@@..
would greatly appreciate it. haha.
coz all our work is done like in 3 hours and its kinda commendable. haha.
not bad. but can be improved la. heehee.
anyway i just wanted to emphasize that TK Band *** and that i'm in NCC Land.
posted @ 10:38 PM |
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
hey!! lol nothing much to blog abt la recently..
i just realised something abt myself.. my temper has been rising at top speed lately. this is bad news. i have lost my ability to be patient!! omg. thats DAMN SAD.
anyway i kinda feel pressurized in band recently..
coz ever since the sec 4s have left temporarily, hong wan has taken over the section. and everytime someone on my side play wrong, hong wan scold me lorr..
wth.. most of the time not i make the mistake but i take the blame for the juniors. damn wat seyy.. but i guess its okay. i'm sure he has his reasons. uh. i hope. haha.
today student council investiture rehearsal suddenly mr sumitra add a new part of the piece to play. damn sudden. but luckily, being the marvellous band that the TK Band is, we ADHERED to the changes and the rehearsal was, well, sort of a sucess? haha.
its so fun playing with kay rui during combined la.. but unlike b4, i try to keep the noise level down now. haha.
its so interesting watching the other sec 3s assume their roles now. haha. so fun watching them squirm when making announcements. oh yeah oh yeah. leslie and andrew are going to sabah i think..
so they passed their post to ee zeng and xing jie temporarily. haha. i'm glad for ee zeng. his dream is finally fulfilled. but xing jie?! lol wth. i think he'll just slack off the job la...
zzz. it was me and ee zeng's dream to be QMs together. haha. imagine all the fun that we'd have locking up the audi, hall and stuff like that. lol. but heard from andrew that mr azlan thinks that together we'd be too messy..
zzz. u never know unless u try.. thats what i always tell ppl. we can be serious if we want to. haha. imagine me serious. LOL. anyway i guess he has his reasons for planning it that way. haha. anwyay leslie and andrew would make great QMs. but i think they have potential for more.. like band major or stuff like that..
oh yeah ee zeng still hasnt gotten his OBS form signed!! XDDDDD.
aiyo. i kinda miss my dear friend *Safri's father's grandson*. guess who?! today english so sian.. nobody to talk or play with..
then DnT no one to help me do practical XD. ah well i guess its these experiences in life that makes ppl treasure others. haha.
i'm such a philosopher.
posted @ 8:33 PM |
Saturday, May 17, 2008
yo!! today was kinda random. haha.
had band today, supposed to start at 10. i woke up xtra early. dunno why either. haha.
reached school at 9. lol 1 HOUR EARLIER. what irony. last week i was late by half an hour. and today 1 hour early. RANDOM.
met byeong gyu and and some sec 1 girls. lol. my dear kimchi guy's a BIG FLIRT. lol.
so sian. then played basketball with some sec 4s from dunno what CCA... some quite pro.. but some really play like crap. whoops. haha. but really la. some really anyhow shoot anyhow play. but at least they have fun. haha. thats the essence of basketball. heehee.
then at around 9.40 went upstairs... got my instrument and played a few songs with ee zeng, nigel and andrew.
had indoor in the audi. damn hot seyy.. some just play basketball. was sweating like pigs ready for slaughter. haha. RANDOM JOKE. but after a while air-con was turned on...
was quite fun ah, indoor. joked with kay rui. haha. practised playing the songs for student coucil investiture.. actually i realise indoor can be indeed very enjoyable. as long as u know how to "engross" yourself in the music and not play it just for the sake of playing. ok, i know. dun get it. but true la. if u really "feel" the music... AH. nvm. try for urselves and u'll get what i mean. haha.
then before lunch, mr azlan announced the temporary post holders for the period that the sec 4s would not be around. congratulations to this ppl. haha. rise up to the challenge, ppl.
Drum Major: Ming wei
Band IC: Si Yan
Secretaries: Joyce
QM: Leslie
Librarians: Sherlyn
Trombone IC: Hong Wan
Tuba IC: Andrew
Percussion IC: Owen
Flute IC: Shannon? heehee not really sure abt this.
CLT IC: totally clueless, sorry!
French Horn: not needed, coz michelle not taking chinese paper. dunno why. haha.
Sax IC: also not needed, coz got yan siang.
Trumpet: Jit Xin. duh. haha.
Eupho: uh. not sure either. sry!
lol. good luck to them. haha. i know that some ppl were quite emo that they didnt get post. but... i guess they'll get over it. heehee.
during lunch went to Kallang KFC with ee zeng, sunyu, nigel, ivan, haziq, xing jie.. haha. actually supposed to go with ee zeng and sunyu only, but met them on the way so go with them lorr.. no harm done anyway. met most of the sec 2 batch there. haha. slow ppl.
i think my batch had batch lunch today.. heard ppl talking abt it. but as usual, we didnt get invited. in a sort of sense. not we mind anyway.
we were late for band after lunch. haha. joyce and meryl "punish" us. muahaha. i'm such an asshole. then we had indoor. sec 4s went home.. ethel and kay rui went for some integrated programme (FYI, its some kinda test they have to take see if they can get into TJC, then no need take O Level). wth la. how come i was never asked to take?!
lol. anyway, i was the only bass trombonist. so some parts solo play. haha. so malu. so pathetic sey today. after lunch only got 4 trombones. but luckily still loud enough can hear. hehehe. then Mr azlan said something that made me laugh like pork.
Mr Azlan: kenneth, u have to play softer. i cant hear the sec 2s. i know u can cum easily. but they cant.
i was like laughing like a kuku la. then mr azlan scold me. muahaha.
then he target tubas like siao. keep scolding them.
then we had outdoor. woohoo fun. but my spectacles drop. and then die.. coz whenever i'm without my glasses, i'm a blind man. haha. totally. and if i'm without my glasses, i'll start to get a headache and i'll go giddy. haha. what more spinning seyy. was so dizzy. like falling like that. but endure. haha.
found out that harith and yong xin are in trombones!! woohoo!! haha.
dunno what else to blog abt already.. MUAHAHA I'M ATTACHED@@@@
posted @ 9:35 PM |
Friday, May 16, 2008
havent been posting in a long time...
gonna be dedicating this post to my dear classmate, Brandon Pang.
found a few things these few days. the one who reported siyu to Mr tan kee hoe that siyu took the PSP from the old teacher's bag months ago turned out to be ong jin and brandon pang.
whats more, we have been planning the school bazaar for quite some time already. just because kakinuma and jasmine havent been coming to school lately, pang and ong jin and yi song decided to take matters in their own hands and make their own haunted house.
everyone already knew they werent happy with the original idea.. lol.
btw, FYI, yi song is like their dog now. lol. they have a sort of "gang" in class.
brandon pang is like such a loser la. so small. still talk until so qian bian. asking for beating sey.
ytd, during E-math class, i was sms-ing somebody. i was tired ah, coz wake up early in the morning.. so my mood was temperamental that day. then mrs hwang shift my place when i talk to siyu.
so i sit in front of ong jin and diagonally in front of pang. then when i sms, mrs hwang caught me.
Mrs Hwang: Kenneth, why ur hand under the table? immobilized ah?
me: yeap.
Mrs Hwang: whats under the table?
me: *silence*
Brandon: handphone.. handphone...
i was kinda pissed. coz i dun like him, whats more, he was the only big mouth that was telling teacher.
me: *turns around and tell pang*: eh pang shut up or i'll punch your face.
pang: my mouth what?.. come and punch la!
me: u say one ah. watch out.
hafiz, paesson, etc.: WHOA.... threaten siolll....
mrs hwang: kenneth what did u say?
me: i say i gonna kiss him later.
mrs hwang: so u wanna meet me after school outside the school gate?
me: nope.
at that time i really wanted to beat him up lor.. if he had continued to talk regardless of teacher i would have ****ed him upside down. lol. but i really dunno why i was in such a bad mood that day.. hmmm...
btw, got back results. not very bad. haha but as expected, failed combined humanities and a-math.
anyway i realized that siyu's made quite alot of enemies in 3J. lol. he offend too many ppl liao. ppl like ong jin hates him. brandon pang. lai yi song. aaron.. zhen hui.. still got many others. but lazy to type.
but i hope he realizes that as a friend, i'll be there. even though he may be hated by others, i'll be a friend. as long as he does not go overboard. i admit, he goes overboard sometimes. but come on, who doesnt? everyone has their bad points. it just depends on how patient the person is.
hmmm... sry this post quite emo la... dunno why. must be my bad mood. hopefully band tmrw would cheer me up. haha.
gonna need some love....
posted @ 9:05 PM |
Monday, May 12, 2008
Zul, Sufi, Jannah and Shaza: thanks alot, had lots of "fun" with u ppl. lol.
hey!! this morning i was UBER-HIGH!!
haha. when i awoke at arnd 5.45++am, turned on my phone to realise someone had smsed me. it was from boon yee, wishing me happy birthday. AT 12 MIDNIGHT seyy.... 1st time for me, and TOTALLY UNEXPECTED. haha.
then my mum wished me happy bday too.. haha. super high.
when reach school kinda zzz. tired liao. coz couldnt sleep at night.when enter class exchanged gifts with chiaw min.. then many ppl wish me happy bday. stupid hair check... i have to cut hair seyy.. but samsul worst. his hair so short still need to cut. haha. i was laughing at him all the way. then he sabo aaron to mrs goh abt aaron's fringe, so aaron need to cut. haha.
during physics damn sleepy. managed to stay awake by joking with siyu abt "lamda" (sry dunno how to spell..). FYI, its some stupid symbol for wavelength. haha. we were laughing abt how weird it sounded. retarded. YES, I KNOW.
during chemistry nearly fell asleep, i was lying on the table while copying the corrections thingy. didnt bring any books for chem seyy... damn scared. lucky never tio punish. received wishes from faizah and harith. haha. then some BIG NEWS shook me awake.
Mr Tan: ok 3J, honestly, i have to say among all the combined classes ur class' answers were the best. here, look at this one. Kenneth one. He top the cohort for this paper some more you know?..
i was totally shocked. i was like, WTF?! woohoo!!!!
haha. got 60/65. muahaha. i was super high. woohoo!! lol.
then recess time i went to the canteen to eat, coz neva bring sandwich. lol. then when return to class, dunno how the news spread so damn bloody fast. lol. almost all the pure science ppl i know found out abt the chem results. haha. so malu..
den went to cut hair during chinese, found out i got 65% for chinese this mid-year!!! things are looking up...
then geog. lol. i got 10/25.. damn sad seyy... but not as bad as a certain person who got much much lower... haha. wont tell who. then when the ppl went for road run, mrs chen let us slack. and we discussed the class bazaar.. PPL PLEASE COME PATRONISE 3J'S HAUNTED HOUSE!!!
then went for english... another shiok.
Mrs celestine poon: KenneTH NG! where's KenneTH NG? (dunno why she emphasize on the "TH" and the "NG"...)
me: here tcher!! (i walk up to collect the paper)
Mrs Poon: KenneTH NG! are u from AG1, KenneTH NG?!
me: no.
Mrs Poon: u did really well for this paper. ur compo also.
me: huh?!
i think today really my lucky day seyy... haha. was playing with samsul all the way during english.. then that dumb pork-eater go staple my thumb. was bleeding like a kuku. haha. but small prick only. heng seyy.
after that went home with harith, coz every1 busy.. cannot celebrate with me... so sad right?
Boon yee: thanks for the message and the wishes today!! appreciated! =)
jasmine: thanks for the wishes!
samsul: thanks for the wishes! and your damned staple. lol.
aiya, every one in 3J: THANKS PPL, really appreciated!!
faizah: thanks!
harith: thanks!
byeong Gyu: thanks!
melissa and gwendolyn: thanks!
Mr Tan: thanks for being such a great teacher!!
sorry if i left ur name out.. pls leave a tag or come look for me.. haha.
but seriously, today was the best birthday ever... usually my birthday would just go unnoticed, with nobody wishing me any shit.. much less any gifts.. haha.
the only time i really had alot of gifts was during P2... so yeah, i really appreciate this year.. somehow or rather i feel really happy today. thanks alot, ppl.
tmrw got band.. zz. so sudden.. havent slack enuf yet XP. haha.
well, once again, THANKS EVERYBODY!!
posted @ 4:10 PM |
Sunday, May 11, 2008
proves to show indians love flowers and animals.. still got more photos in my phone. but scared later upload will hang com. lol. after the trip i went to marina for section outing... supposed to be dismissed at 1 and i thought i sure late coz we're supposed to meet at 1245. but instead i was dismissed at 113o and i made my way to marina... at farrel park MRT station i saw an indian woman tell her son,: WHEN I TELL U TO CUM, U CUM. lol!!! then i arrived at the bowling place at arnd 1145.. so i slacked arnd.. walked arnd CD shops, walked arnd the arcade.. thinking i would be bowling... waited till 1245, still no one came.. ZZZ... at 1+pm, met hong wan and ming wei. here's photo of ming wei playing arcade. lol. he was playing king of fighters. lol. then went down to macs at 2pm to meet up with rest of the section.. lol. when we went up, i was shocked to find out instead of bowling, we were watching a movie!! ZZZ... but anyway, iron man's a nice show. should go watch. haha. the ending's retarded though. "actually, the truth is i.............. AM IRON MAN." so i decided when i grow up i'll make a suit called ERECTION MAN!! lol. after that we walked arnd city hall and went to esplanade.. at esplanade a mishap ocurred.. FAIZAH I AM VERY SORRY. fyi, i dropped her phone accidentally while playing. it resulted in a big scratch at the side.. she was nearly in tears. ALMOST. i was bloody freaked. seriously, i damn scared ppl cry on me. especially if it was my fault. but luckily she did not, otherwise i would have jumped into the singapore river to hide..haha. but seriously, i am very sorry and if there's a need for me to pay for the damage, i will. haha, i am RESPONSIBLE MAN. not erection man! Saturday wah damn sad. i went to band, thinking it starts at 10. to my horror, it started at 9!!! i was shocked like shit man... then went to audi and played several songs. haha. RH rocks to the core man... after that went to assembly plaza and switched to outdoor for 45mins++.. FUN BABY. then went back to audi to have talks by our honoured principal. we discovered some thrilling facts abt our future.. MUAHAHA its our secret. lol. watch out ppl... then went home with ee zeng and eugene.. on the bus there were 4 victoria boys who were singing powerpuff girls song seyy.. ee zeng was staring at them like they were a fascination. haha. upon arrival at home, played runescape for a while and went to take a bath at 445pm. (FYI, we were going for a TJC concert) lol. supposed to reach city hall by 6pm. i slacked at home till 5.30 b4 leaving home.. damn the late bus... reached city hall at arnd 6.10Pm.. everyone was waiting for me. AND YONG XIN. haha. then went to eat at macs.. sat with yong xin, who was carrying a bouquet of flowers for his sister's friend in TJC. everyone was teasing him lorr. haha. when we left macs, harith realised he left his phone at macs. lol. so we just went for the concert coz we thought we were late.. but some stayed behind to wait for him. lol. yong xin was running arnd with the flowers. when entering the concert hall our very "prettiful" BM firza insisted to hold the flowers and have harith walk beside her. lol. throughout the concert, yong xin was fretting on how to pass the flowers. i think the best part of the concert was the drama part. hong wan was laughing his balls off during the skit. BEST MAN.!! TJC ROCK ON. shodugen pa-pa-pa-pa!! lol. their RH a bit not nice though.. but their trombones the tone damn nice. and play damn well. lol. at the end of the concert, yong xin didnt have the balls to look for the sister's friend. so our DM ming wei accompanied him to search for her. haha. after that we walked to the MRT and went home.. Today finally bought my mother's day present with my brother. lol!! also, finally bought chiaw min's present for tomorrow (her birthday). and dun worry, its not a bubble gun!! XP. nothing else to blog abt liao.. tmrw gonna have some fun. guess the occasion ppl!! its not just road run. hint: me bday same as chiaw min!! lol.
nothing much happened, other than a gathering with me primary skool friends to play basketball.. one of them, yonson, told me his ngee ann friends would be coming.. so he asked me to bring my own friends.
sadly, none of them were available. sad right? so i went alone to play with them.. and many strangers seyy...
so i played with them.. then got some gangster flirts at the court wanna play match with us.. so we play lorr.. then they play damn rough. trying to impress the girls i guess. losers seyy..
went for the little india trip.. and i'll show SOME of the photos i took..
posted @ 5:35 PM |
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
posted @ 8:58 PM |
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
oh yeah this is the second time i'm posting a second post!! yay for me@@
just wanted to re-emphasize how much trombones rule and how slim i really am. and how white faizah really is (who has started playing RUNESCAPE. not because i ask her ah.. LOL!!!) .
btw faizah is my supplier for my new company and those who are really hungry pls look for her and bring white chocolate or she'll engulf u in darkness with magic from runescape!!
haha anyway if u play runescape, leave ur IGN on my tagboard and we could play. lol. imagine that...
TK Band Members form a gang in Runescape. Gangbangs ppl in wilderness. Pls beware.
posted @ 10:06 PM |
LOL dunno why i keep saying that.. haha.
this post is dedicated to a group of bastard sec 1 kids outside the library today.
bloody fools made so much noise. and still dare challenge ee zeng to fight. bitch seyy..
then siyu and ee zeng play yu gi oh. mrs lim (DM) was attracted by the noise and caught EZ and SY playing cards (FYI its against school rules to play any form of playing cards in TK).so, the cards were confiscated... sad eh?
and those sec 1s are really ppl looking for trouble lor. just because group of 8 or 6 think they big.
haha. and anyway i really recommend 987fm for ppl who are in need of some entertainment at night with nothing to do.. the muttons are great. haha. they have arsehole jokes which can really crack ppl up. haha.
anyway, CONGRATULATIONS to a certain someone who has just realized that another pretty someone likes him. haiyo. tell him go stead with her, but he says give him a few days to think it out..
haha. frankly, i AM DESPERATE.
haha. for someone to buy pork from me@@@@@ pfft. lol.
i think i'm really screwed up for this mid-year.. i sure fail every subject except for chem. heehee.
so goodbye to the PSP my mum said i would get if i did well for MYE.. ZZ..
oh yeah i'm kinda high today coz i'm fifty dollars richer!!! WHOOPYDOO@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
lol. got it from my aunt in canada for my birthday. heehee. but i really dunno what the hell to do with such a big sum lorr.. she say for last yr present she owes me and this yr. lol. 50 bucks. DAMN. 1st time i got so much seyyy.... HAHAHA.
dunno whether i should spend it on yu gi oh.. should i? advise me on my tagboard plz....
lol.what should i buy...
OK to sum it up i'll just say that i'm screwed up for physics tmrw (coz GML sux), and that i'm the new manager of H**** P*** Industries. would you like some (censored coz maybe offensive). lol. I CARE U KNOW.
but seriously la. i AM DESPERATE. teehee.
posted @ 9:34 PM |
Sunday, May 4, 2008
LOL. just wanted to tell all readers out there that whey zhen hui is a gong-gong man. he actually believed that there was a science practical on wednesday and that there is actually such thing as HALAL PORK.
wtf right? lol. kuku seyyyy..
anyway just wanted to highlight that trombones rule and that i am SO GOING TO DIE FOR EXAMS....
btw, i still love you harith...
posted @ 7:52 PM |
lol haven't blogged for days... been busy watchin heroes.
today i decided to experiment something.. my computer has always had problems with playing rakion. graphical problems. always when i start a game, the whole screen turns black and there're glitches everywhere.
sad right?
fortunately, i have found a cure. haha. have to install a GeForce graphic card. HEHEHE. i am SMART.
by the way. i was "re-awakened" something today.
reading your blog, i was reminded of the good and fun times we had. lol.
BUT. it also reminded me what a jerk u were. u always say i'm in the wrong. have u ever thought of whether u EVER were in the wrong? i dun get it. were u ever a true friend? everything i do, u always have negative comments.
whenever u need help, i'll be there. but when i need help, you're just too "busy". i'd say u just dun bother, coz u totally ignore me. lol.
another thing. whenever we're playing, and ur "friends" pass, u totally change. u make fun of every thing i do. u counter everything i say. lol.
u say i physically hurt ppl and thats why ur irritated.
ok. the big incident that broke our friendship. u said u wouldnt tell any1 where we were going when ur mum forbade u to go.
and u defended urself, saying u didnt. i really want to believe u. BUT. i know someone who saw and heard u telling ur "gang leader" immediately where we were going. even b4 we left the school. and ur "gang leader" had such a big mouth to tell the seniors. so, TELL ME WHO'S AT THE WRONG HERE.
so. as usual, u immediately blog abt it. and tell every1 ur point of view.
i know saying this will immediately infuriate u again. BUT. at least u would know how i feel everytime u backstab me. lol.
u know, the only reason why i held back and did not whack u in ur face that day was on account of our friendship.
yes, i know i sound like some self-righteous asshole. but i've been tolerating ur "spoilt-brat attitude" for 2-3/4 years lorr..
u say i push u around. maybe so. i used to get carried away when playing. but u were the one always dragging me around. to buy ur damned drinks. buy your damned food. and accompany ur damned ass to the bloody toilet.
i hope u really come to ur senses la. coz i've come to mine.
posted @ 7:20 PM |
Friday, May 2, 2008
today, nothing really happened. went to expo with mum and bro.
bought a $10 game. installing to com now. after that, went to play basketball with ee zeng wilmar and harith. lol.
i was late. coz they were taking too long to shop.
played a few matches. haha. damn fun with people like them.
then, went to KFC. ate dinner there.
after eating ee zeng kept on shooting ice at me and wilmar. lol.
damn pain. haha.
anyway, the understatement of the year is:
HEROES ROCK@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
posted @ 10:21 PM |
Thursday, May 1, 2008
haha didnt post ytd coz mum was sick. had to take care of my brother. and watched heroes XP
nothing interesting happened ytd ah. only the damned paper. didnt finish E maths paper. so did many others.
today so sian. feel damn bored.
OH YEAH! ytd i watched finish heroes season 1!!
posted @ 9:42 AM |