YO!!! got a new blogskin. hope u like it..
anyway, i'd like to blog abt OBS today.
firstly, being at OBS has taught many things.. and i feel that these lessons can never be taught at school, but only by people like my instructor, hiap luh.
for example;
It takes an hour to find a friend,
It takes a day to appreciate that friend,
It takes a year to love that friend,
But it takes forever to forget that friend.
this was said by Hiap Luh, a very wise man. hehe.
ok, firstly, a grp photo.
this is the Raleigh watch. hehe.
First Day:
We gathered in school at 7.30, as usual. so dam heavy sia the bag. the pack list write so many things. tell us to bring so many clothes seyy. wth. but in the end the clothes nearly not enough.. sang the anthem and said bye to other band members..
arrived at the punggol jetty at arnd 9.. and though 3J was the 1st class to arrive, we were the last to leave the damned jetty.. haha. arrived in ubin at arnd 10. zzz. so.. we were randomly grouped into watches. i was RALEIGH!! WOOO!! haha. i thought it sounded indian. whoops. anyway my group had 15 people..
Ming Wei
Quan Feng
Zhen Hui
Chang Hao
Jin Quan
Jian Ting AKA Robert Lee
Jasmine Kok
uh. no particular order.. and sorry if i spell ur name wrongly.. XP
so.. we didnt know what to expect at OBS..
we immediately played some teamwork game: something that requires us to pass a roll of masking tape arnd the grp in the shortest time possible. tricky part was that we could not pass the tape to the person beside us, and we must shout the name of the person we were going to pass it to. because we didnt know anyone well at all, our first try was done in 32 seconds. we thought it was an achievement at first. lol.
then, Hiap Luh talked to us and we started brainstorming.. then the final result, we passed the masking tape arnd 15 ppl in 6 secs.. haha. that IS an achievement. then, we were sent to clear the store.. took out the tent equipment and ponchos and prepared the rations for the 4 days and 3 nights we were gna live in ubin. quite devastating, the food. haha. for every single day we survived on buns and biscuits. and for dinner we could either cook rice or noodles. ON OUR OWN. haha.
after all the preparations were done, we were told that we were going kayaking. LIKE WTH?! SO FAST GONNA GET WET?! everyone was shocked la.. but anyway, better not waste time. so we quickly prepared our life-vests and got down to the jetty/rocky beach.
the part that kuku-ed me was that though we may not be soaked if we kayaked properly, even b4 we started kayaking we were told to get into the water and soak our whole body in la. like wth.
after that we were taught the different ways of paddling and how to capsize and how to rescue ourselves. oh yeah. during the lesson on how to capsize my right lens of my spectacles dropped into the sea. and as the water was very murky and the coast was littered with sea rubbish, i had difficulty finding it. zzz. but miracles do happen. haha. after i told Hiap luh, he was skeptical la.. then he suddenly dived into the water, and after 3 seconds, he came out and said," na, ur lens."
i was like omgwtf!! siala!! so pro seyy!!
then i partnered jasmine. kayaked arnd. so fun. then saw nigel and jin quan capsize. jin quan dunno how to swim, so he was floating by his life-vest. and he drifted and drifted while nigel clung on to jianting's kayak. so.. i went to rescue jin quan. then hiap luh came over and check jin quan. scolded him very harshly because JQ never tighten his life-vest. it was on the verge of leaving him. HAHA.
after dunno how long we went back to shore.. carried the kayaks to some kinda carpark thingy at the jetty. then we washed up and packed up our stuff for the expedition thingy the next day.
we then pitched tents at some high hill where we had to climb 101 steps to reach it . haha. oh yeah. the high elements were at the hill.
then we cooked dinner. hehe ate noodles. but spilled mine coz my mess tin handle suddenly came apart. haha. whoops!!
after eating then go slp liao.. zz. tired sia that day.
The Second Day:
woke up at 530, though we were supposed to wake up at 5. haha. the alarm was Rocky. lol!! Quan Feng's immediate reaction to the alarm was a middle finger and the occasional "F*** u". haha.
ate breakfast and played a weird game where u have to do some weird red indian dance and then scissors papers stone. lol. got owned in the early game.
then.. we had some kinda grp sharing thingy where we discussed our feelings and thoughts. then we played a blindfold thingy where we were guided verbally by our partner. scary sia. going down steps with absolutely no sight. lucky never fall. XD. after that we played "canvas fall", where the whole group pulls a stretch of canvas for a person to fall on.
some ppl were light, and some were heavy. haha. when hiap luh jump we all go wrap him in the canvas and i did something.. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
after that we set of on our hike to the other campsite. hiked through forest. hehe. hot seyy. i was the navigator at first. then change shift. was pretty eventful.. thought we were lost. ends up we were on the right track. hehe. SO MANY DAMNED MOSQUITOES.
the view at the campsite (another rocky beach) not bad. can see our beloved singapore. haha. then we pitched our tents there and appointed CX leaders.. i was appointed for Raleigh. zzz. damn scary. and worse, i was appointed for the navigator to lead the 4 grps back to campsite 1. BY SEA. omg omg omg omg omg omg. damn nervous sia. we then ate dinner: squashed bread with canned food. but still damn nervous la. what if i lead all of us some where else?
but then relieved my self by joining the grp in slacking time to throw fruits and stones into the sea. FUN. then i ACCIDENTALLY (ok la purposely) threw a stone into the instructors speedboat. that resulted in all raleigh-ians running in all directions. haha. WHOOPS AGAIN!! but seems like nobody noticed, all the instructors eating in some kinda pavilion thingy. so we all went and throw stones again.. after that ran out of apples. haha. then retreated into the tents.. so many big dogs there sia.. I WANT ONE.. then we were told that every half an hour at night 1 tent of people have to take charge of sentry duty. hehe make sure that the dogs dun come and sabo our tents and that mas selamat doesnt run away in one of our kayaks.. i was in the second shift with ming wei and quan feng. haha.
before 9.30pm (lights out) me, Hafiz, Samsul and some other ppl were telling ghost stories. haha. fun.
after that had sentry duty.. bla bla nothing happened. at 10.30 nigel and his shift came and took over.. i retired in the tent and almost immediately fell asleep. haha too tired liao.
Third Day:
woke up at 5 the next day.. unpitched tents, ate breakfast and final planning.. cleared the campsite and we were setting off.. haha i partnered samsul. as the navigator we leaded the people.. some people keep saying we too slow. so we speed up. then the instructors came and scold us. coz some people lagging behind so far away. got quite pissed at the part.
after a while Hasif took over as navigator.. then i became port side marker. halfway thru the journey samsul peed in the damned kayak. fucking smelly sia!!
then when near to the coast we had some kinda game. we were to stand on our kayaks. asyraf solo his kayak. so gt problem. damn funny. he standing halfway his kayak capsize and he fell. strangely, he immediately stood up and got on his kayak again. the sea bed was like not even knee level at that part lol!!
after that cleared the kayaks and everything.. washed up. i bathed thoroughly to clear the pee off me. damn. that stinked. then we did high elements..got some problems there cause people were stuck. XD. after that we cooked a feast for dinner.. Last night in ubin wad.. enjoyed it with the great company of raleigh. haha. then we had to check all our equipment and wash them. i painstakingly managed to check our equipments full attendance. then we slacked for damn long. haha first grp to complete the store so fast. hehe. since we had so much time, Hiap luh prepared for us some kinda special milo. tasted quite good. then he told us ghost stories.. haha. nice nice.
Last day: ZZZZ
we played some games in the morning.. vandalised everyone's body. haha hands and legs only. i think joyce pitiful. haha. Hiap Luh drew hair on her legs and wrote: PLEASE SHAVE ME.
haha. then we went to jetty jump. haha. damn shhhiiiioook. i was the only one to jump thrice. hehehe. I LOVE MY LIFE. woohoo!!
then we received terrible news. our back door to the store was left open and our key was no where to be found. and we went in, people had stolen our mess tins!! WTH. my effort gone to naught. zz. luckily other grps got xtra and gave to us... Thank you!!
we then gathered at the jetty and shopped for souvenirs.. got our photos certs and phones.. haha. then returned to singapore.. so sad. gonna miss Hiap Luh.
overall i think OBS was a great experience. learnt many valuable lessons from there. i also learnt to treasure my current life. haha. the luxuries of having a computer. haha. oh and btw thru out the whole camp i missed band like wth. oh and got some photos of ming wei snoring at the jetty XP.
oh well, cya!
posted @ 11:10 AM |
Sunday, June 22, 2008
hi again!!
lol very very VERY long neva update liao.. no time, also no interest. hehe.
anyway just wanted to update coz tonite's the last nite of the june hols, and wanted to enjoy it to the fullest. hehe.
band camp wasnt as fun as i had expected it to be.. nightwalk was screwed up due to mr yong, one of our alumni, who cancelled it VERY VERY EARLY. but, band practice with mr K and my dear odd side trombones were, as usual, SUPERLY DUPERLY FUNTASTICALLY SHIOK-ER THAN PORKBALLS DIPPED IN BEEF GHEE AND SPAT ON BY MUTTON. XP
wadeva. anyway, just wanted to say that i'm playing maple again.. same as me bro. lvling up so fast now, with all the new event quests and 2x exp. MUAHAHHAA.
OK, i'm so gna die tmrw. i just checked the new timetable. got 2 periods of chem tmrw sia!!! fk. and my grp havent even started on the chem project. why? because, kai leun 98% of the holidays in malaysia, and siyu got choir while i got band, and finally he went to russia last week.
aaargh. have i mentioned i havent even visited the heymath site yet? omfg. die die die die. sian la. see la. band has killed me. screwed me. shitted on me. peed on me. cummed on me. spat on me. laughed at me. mapled on me. poured black ink on me. uh. what else.
HELP HELP HELP. aiya. mr TKH please be lenient. hopefully he plays maple and can be able to sympathise with me. XD. but no matter, its worth it for band. BAND ROX. u know why? COZ I IN BAND!! XP.
anyway faizah said she sat on an ostrich today. since ostriches feathers are black, i bet the other ppl who saw her sitting on it thought the ostrich had a LARGE HUMP. HEEHEE.
I'M SO DESPERATE I'M DELIRIOUS. been having weird dreams lately. haha. NOOOOOOOO.
trombone rule. but i rule more. XD
posted @ 9:56 PM |
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Tagged by Faizah..
20 people you can think of right now.don't read the questions until you've named the 20 people. At the end of this, choose 5 people to do this.
1. Ee Zeng
2. Wilmar
3. Ivan
4. Harith
5. Byeong Gyu
6. Azkhairy
7. Faizah
8. Firza
9. Hong Wan
10. Ming Wei
11. Kay Rui
12. Ethel
13. Hanyan
14. Cherie
15. Imma
16. Jaclyn
17. my bro
18. Nadzirah
19. Zulhaqqim
20. Benjamin
How did you meet 14 ???
[cherie] oh. in band.
what would you do if you never met 1?
[Ee Zeng] haha. wouldn't have retarded times. MUAHAHA.
What if 9 and 20 dated?
[Hong Wan & benjamin] they would produce a VERY SKINNY baby at the end of the day.
Describe 3.
[Ivan] haha. looks blur but is a very very interesting person. eh btw he is not blur. smarter than most ppl some more.
When is the last time you spoke to 13?
[HanYan] yesterday, during band.
What is 2's favourite singer/band?
[Wilmar] lol dun think he has any preferences..
Would you ever date 4?
[Harith] duh. we're getting married next month!! XP
Would you ever date 1?
[Ee Zeng] dating in progress..
Is 19 single?
[Zulhaqqim] hmm.. maybe?!
What is 10's last name?
[Ming Wei] Wei. LOL. its shek.
Would you ever be in a relationship with 11?
[Kay Rui] yes. all it takes is ALOT OF DETERMINATION.
School of 3?
[Ivan] TK
where does 6 live?
[Azkhairy] some where in Eunos..
What is your favourite thing of 5?
[Byeong Gyu] his korean laughter. XD
Have you ever seen 2 naked?
posted @ 10:08 PM |
1. At what age do you wish to get marry?
the minimum age XD.
2. Who are the ones more important to you? Friends or your boyfriend?
BOYFRIEND?! wth are u gay or sumting?!
3. Who is the person you trust the most?
4. Do you think you have enough confidence?
5. If you have a dream to come true, what would it be?
muahaha the wettest dream of all. FIRST PLACE IN KLWMBC.
6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
damn. Do you believe in seeing a peebow after u pee?
7. What is your goal for this year?
to do 100 push-ups in 1 day. XD
8. Do you believe in eternity love?
eternity?! damn wrong word la u. its eternal. and no. ppl only marry to have sex duh.
9. Have you broke someone's heart so badly he/she tried to commit suicide?
10. What feeling do you love the most?
being high.
11. What the requirements that you wish from your other half?
wth. other half? being fun to be with. hehe.
12.What feeling do you hate the most?
i agree with faizah. the feeling when u need to shit.
13. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
Yes. duh.
14. Do you believe in GOD?
15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
computer, my instrument, and SEX. MUAHAHAHAHA.
16.Who cares for you the most??
my family i guess..
17. Describe the person who tagged you in 5 words.
she's very very very BLACK.
18. What have you regretted doing in your whole life?
joining TK and meeting all you freaks out there. XD
19.If the time hmm..rewinds, when will you want it to be?
12-04-08. hehehehe then i run arnd the field naked when deyi performing. XD. then i pull their DM's pants down. MUAHAHAHAHAHA.
20.Would you wait forever for someone you love?
hmmm... maybe.
Notify them in their cbox that they've been tagged.Whoever does the tag will have blessings from all
posted @ 9:51 PM |
A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs & replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.
Q: If your Lover betrayed you, what would your reaction be?
i would immediately put her photos on a porn site and find a new lover. XD
Q: If you can have a Dream to come true, what would it be?
the next person to win the election be named AMABO.
Q: What will your dream wedding to be like?
to be held in KFC with free drinks refill!! MUAHAHAHA!!
Q: Are you confused of what lies ahead of you?
yup. to cum for band or not to. cumming is tiring u noe. XD
Q: What's your ideal lover like?
Slim like me!!!
Q: Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
being lived by someone. wait. make that everyone. XP
Q: How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
4 minutes. coz i gotta save the world after that. XD
Q: If the person you secretly liked is already attached , what would you do?
too bad la. their loss. XD
Q: Is there anything that made you unhappy these days?
yes. global warming not fun seyy.
Q: Is being tagged fun?
wah siao. ask this kinda random qstn. YES YES IT IS SO FUN.
Q: How do you see yourself in ten years time?
hmmm.. 25. confirm running for election. or a superhero with a super-mobil with sexy babes crowding around it. wan some more? XD
Q: Who are currently most important people to you?
hmm... also dunno. all not impt la. wan kidnap go ahead. no ransom guaranteed. XD
Q: What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
A BLACK ONE@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Q: Would you rather to be a single & rich or married but poor?
married but poor, then can sue the person for spousal abuse and claim money. XP
Q: What's the first thing you do every morning?
open my eyes, u deprived freak. dun u slp?!
Q: Would you give all in a relationship?
yes. in all forms. XD
Q: If you fall in love with two persons simultaneously, who would you pick?
wth. ur qstn sounds damn wrong. simultaneously is definitely a wrong word. uh see 1st wait till that happens. HEEHEE.
Q: What type of friends do you like?
eh i'm not gay, deprived person.
Q: What happens if you found yourself in camp?
i would immediately search for used condoms in the dorms like i did 2 yrs ago with ee zeng. XD
Q: What type of friends do you dislike?
lol. DUMB qstn. if dislike then still friend meh?
posted @ 9:31 PM |
Friday, June 13, 2008
yo!! i just realised something:
yes, it does. though it may be a exercise, cant people use the damned money used to make a pool to construct more basketball courts?! basketball is a much much MUCH better game compared to swimming lorr..
because, swimming has a high risk of you drowning. ALSO, the pool is often filled with the urine of inconsiderate b.a.s.t.a.r.d.s. who just pee when they feel like it. imagine this, ur swimming, and suddenly a hiccup causes you to swallow a mouthful of water. then, you are reminded of people peeing in the pool. WTF LA!!!
some more after swimming your whole body, especially your hair, would stink of chlorox (sorry dunno how to spell.) LIKE WTH MAN..
anyway after swimming just now went to scout around tampines for cheap PSPs.. hehe. i think i've found my ideal place.
Package: $379
A NEW PSP Slim n lite
4GB Memory stick
USB cord
PSP case
screen protector
hmmmm... i really think its quite a good deal.. please advise me. hehe.
anyway even if it is a good deal i dun think i can get it.. zz. financial crisis again. wth la. and some more my sis school starting next wk liao.. and she asking my mum for $50 for her school allowance. WTH LA. need so much for what sia. i hope my mum doesnt give her lorr.. anyway if once she does my mum's bank account immediately dry up.. then whole family no need eat liao. zz.
thats why.. abit pessimistic abt sectional outing. faizah say wanna go watch movie.. sorry, no money liao.. watching movie uses too much money liao.. some more not that fun. i think bowling would be a much more nicer sectional outing.. but some ppl dun wan la.. zz.
anyway had band ytd. strangely, felt oddly tired thru the whole practice. haha alot of ppl also. but after a while okay liao. hmmm. speaking of ytd. i keep tio scolding coz i kept laughing when mr siao talk halfway. ok la, i know that was rude. but really bue tahan wad.. keep hearing the wrong words and damn funny ok..
Mr siao: ok band, the reason we're doing everything so fast is becoz we wanna be prepared when the GUNDU (guru) come.
then i laugh la.. then tio scolding.. zz.
then another funny part. when mr siao finally figure out the timing for the band to inst. up for the bells solo, harith scream like at rock concert. i laugh like hell man!!! then tio scolding, again.
zz. i know this may be very rude, but still got alot of ppl laugh wad. why every1 whole day only target me one?! fk la. everytime something goes wrong or whatever, there's bound to have someone scold me. wth. indoor have, outdoor also have.. damn it all.. since sec 1 like that. always target me one.
ok, sorry.
zz abit sianned liao.. aiyo go slp liao la.. bye.
posted @ 11:28 PM |
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
yo!! changed my blog song.. its currently a song named "Hands Held High", a song by Linkin Park in the Minutes to Midnight album.. haha. rock on LP!!!
i chose this song coz its really meaningful ah.. really. let u all know the lyrics..
Turn my mike up louder I got to say something
Light weights step to the side when we come in
Feel it in your chest the syllables get pumping
People on the street they panic and start running
Words on loose leaf sheet complete coming
I jump in my mind and summon the rhyme, I'm dumping
Healing the blind I promise to let the sun in
Sick of the dark ways we march to the drum and
Jump when they tell us that they wanna see jumping
Fuck that I wanna see some fists pumping
Risk something, take back what's yours
Say something that you know they might attack you for
Cause I'm sick of being treated like I have before
Like it's stupid standing for what I'm standing for
Like this war's really just a different brand of war
Like it doesn't cater the rich and abandon poor
Like they understand you in the back of the jet
When you can't put gas in your tank
These fuckers are laughing their way to the bank and cashing the cheque
Asking you to have compassion and have some respect
For a leader so nervous in an obvious way
Stuttering and mumbling for nightly news to replay
And the rest of the world watching at the end of the day
In their living room laughing like "what did he say?"
In my living room watching but I am not laughing
Cause when it gets tense I know what might happen
World is cold the bold men take action
Have to react or get blown into fractions
Ten years old it's something to see
Another kid my age drugged under a jeep
Taken and bound and found later under a tree
I wonder if he had thought the next one could be me
Do you see the soldiers they're out today
They brush the dust from bullet proof vests away
It's ironic at times like this you pray
But a bomb blew the mosque up yesterday
There's bombs in the buses, bikes, roads
Inside your market, your shops, your clothes
My dad he's got a lot of fear I know
But enough pride inside not to let that show
My brother had a book he would hold with pride
A little red cover with a broken spine
On the back, he hand-wrote a quote inside
When the rich wage war it's the poor who die
Meanwhile, the leader just talks away
Stuttering and mumbling for nightly news to replay
And the rest of the world watching at the end of the day
both scared and angry like "what did he say?"
[Chorus x6]
With hands held high into the sky so blue,
As the ocean opens up to swallow you.
haha. ok, i know its kinda vulgar. but its really meaningful la.. for example: When the rich wage war it's the poor who die. makes sense right? i mean, i guess its really true la..
ok anyway been having band.. AS USUAL. tmrw gonna go church in the morning.. so damn early. hehe. but its ok. after that straight away go band. hehehheehe just learnt a new method to have a nice trombone tone..
anyway, there's a new saying in the trombone section. FAIZAH NEVER WASH ARMPIT@@@@ (inside joke) XDDD
anyway quote of yesterday:
me and harith: faizah go home rmb wash ur armpit ah!!!
byeong gyu: eh why she so smelly?
HAHAHAHAHA. damn funny siol. nothing to blog already.. hehe.
Notice: Trombones, there will be a sectional outing on monday, 16 June. Please save up. XDD details will be given tmrw in band.
oh yeah band camp coming soon... hehehe cant wait. gonna be fun. hehe
posted @ 7:59 PM |
Saturday, June 7, 2008
omfg. ppl, watch this vid. its f***ing imba. ESPECIALLY THE TRUMPETEERS.
OMFG MAN!!! they're like so damn imba!!!
i think i know why i so high today. just now on the bus me ee zeng and harith were talking abt micropenis!!!! MUAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHA
its a VERY FUNNY subject. and FYI, ee zeng is FINALLY back from Macau.
and LOL. he has brought back many ghost stories from there. hahahaha. saving the stories for nightwalk XP.
band has been fun!! lol. new songs, new stuff.. HEHEHEHEHEHEHE ENJOYING MYSELF TO THE MAXIM----UM. MUAHAHAHAHAHA.
quote of the day:
ee zeng: kenneth, u see Rico's hair?
me: yeap.
ee zeng: i know some one in the band who has the same hair.
me: WHO?!
ee zeng: Michelle!!!
posted @ 9:39 PM |
Friday, June 6, 2008
joke of the day:
one day, a retard goes arnd town looking for a job. he goes into a restaurant and asks the manager for a job. knowing the guy's a retard, the manager tells him to fetch him some gas, a bucket, and a cocker spaniel. if he was able to get those items, he would get the job.
the retard set off.. he went to the petrol station.
Retard: Ass.
Petrol-man: What?!
Retard: Ass! (points at "petrol machine")
Petrol-man: oh! GAS!!! (gives the gas to the retard.)
next, the retard goes to the provision shop.
Retard: F.uck it.
Cashier: What?!
Retard: F.uck it! (points at bucket)
Cashier: OH. BUCKET!! (hands it to retard.)
finally, the retard goes to the pet shop.
Retard: Cock and Spank it.
Shop holder: what?!
Retard: Cock and Spank It!!!
Shop holder: oh.. cocker spaniel.. (hands it to retard.)
on the way back to the restaurant, the cocker spaniel runs away. panicking, the retard grabs the nearest man, and tells him: PLEASE HOLD MY ASS AND F.UCK IT, WHILE I FIND MY COCK AND SPANK IT@@@@@
posted @ 9:20 PM |
Thursday, June 5, 2008
nothing much to blog abt today.. feeling rather down in fact..
cause.. ee zeng in macau and there's not many ppl whom i can really confide in any more... thus, its all bottled up and its gonna spill soon..
i've been thinking abt how ive been.. trying to find a word.. uh.. "behaving?" lately.. i find that nowadays i tend to be more.. emo? maybe.. dunno why la..
anyway today the sec 1s found out their sections... harith and yong xin are still with us, but we've got 3 new sec 1s.. haha all girls. uh there's Chen Jing (the one who looks like hanyan XDDD), there's Shirleen (the one that looks like Imma), and there's Zhe Rong.
so... everyone was pessimistic la.. haha. especially hong wan. he and i were running around the school when we found out that they came into our sections.. haha no offense to any of u if u read this XDD. ming wei wasnt happy too.. he said their drills weren't good. haha. so they have to buck up VERY VERY QUICKLY. because, we have 2 majors in our section. LOL.
well.. taught them how to hold the instrument in sedia position.. and taught them how to instruments-up... honestly, i think they are very slow in "instruments-upping". lol. cause i am sure that my batch of trombonists were super hyper enthu in actually touching instruments and when we were taught how to instruments-up we were quite fast.. significantly faster than these sec 1s. HAHA. also, ming wei commented that their instrument angle very bad. haha. cannot stay up.
well.. cant blame them... 1st time touch inst. but have to work harder.. hehe. wait till they have to spin with a trombone and twirl a trombone. hehehehe thats the fun part. XD
we learnt and memorised quite a handful of songs today...haha all sound pretty good indeed. muahahhhaahaha can laugh at ee zeng when he come back. sure gonna die one.
so... while practising in the field.. some thing spoiled my mood la... zzz dun wanna talk abt it..
blah blah.
zzz. change subject!!!
i'm currently reading a book abt some homicide guy who is after this drug dealer who has excellent connections and always gets away scot-free.. quite an interesting read. hahaaha. once again this sparks off my interesting in being a policeman. hehehe it seems VERY INTERESTING.
lol. ok. bb gonna watch one piece. XDD
posted @ 8:45 PM |
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
yo!!! haha sry long time nvr blog liao...
i also got nothing to blog abt anyway.. some more so damned sian ee zeng go holiday in macau...
anyway ytd i a bit pissed la.. coz at 1130+am at the coffeeshop at the market i was eating breakfast with my family.. then suddenly yisong and hong wan tell me to go school NOW got batch meeting to plan for band camp. wth. i didnt go to the previous practice, so dun know anything abt any batch meeting. but they keep rushing me, so i chiong my breakfast and rush all the way to school by MRT.
when i reach paya lebar, hong wan send me a sms: eh dun need come ler we going for lunch
wth man!!! i was super super pissed.
but anyway when reach school i play instrument.. haha slack in instrument room.. hehe was joined by andrew and harith shortly. then ivan came and i went arnd the school with him. lol. did some ridiculous things with a water cooler =.=
then we had band... with Mr Lawrence Siao leading us. lol. feels kinda weird. anyway we made lotsa changes to the repertoire.. sounds better i guess.. lol. then after band they announce that sec 3s got another batch meeting the nxt day (today) at 11 in school.. lol. dunno whether to go or not..
went to school by 11.. and had the batch meeting thing.. discussed the band camp and stuff. haha. at least got most of the planning done liao.. haha seems fun. lol. but they arranged to go watch movie after the meeting.. was kinda obvious coz they kept talking abt it in front of me.. once again i dun feel like i'm part of the batch luh.. they never even ask me whether i wanna go.. haha not that i want to.. andrew and josh asked me, but i just told them to go ahead and have fun. haha.
actually i realise that its not my batch that i dislike, its more of the ONE PERSON there. ah. nvm. few ppl really get what i mean. but all i know is that as long as he's with them, i'll NEVER go out with them. haha. lol. ok this blogging thing is spoiling my day. zzz.
ah thats all i guess.. duno when i'll blog again.. zzz
posted @ 2:52 PM |