WAH F___!
got me worrying like a dickhead for WEEKS!
darn havent been this jubilated in a loooong time!~~~
now i really dont get why the dnt tchers were rushing us -.- chasing me out of band..
darn i'm so relieved!! it's like hearing that no need to take O levels HAHA.
SAJC here I come.. and here i come DNT O levels!!
posted @ 9:56 PM |
Monday, June 29, 2009
(something's wrong with blogger at the moment? weird..)
yea first day back wasnt as bad as i thought it would be. Woke up in the morning at 5 again, but really sleepy. 5 hours of sleep everyday is definitely not enough.
gotta lay off mounting & blading. ;D
woke up in a haze.. couldn't think straight the whole day, brain was just fuzzy. for example, i left at home ALOT of crucial things.
1: Thermometer.
2: Tie.
3: Zhen Yao's pants.
OMG!! i'm so sorry for the inconvenience zhen yao!! on the bus to school mum phoned me and said i left my tie at home.. Darn! so i smsed andrew and yong xin.. waited for a reply, then thought they could be sleeping and i couldn't risk buying another one -.- so expensive -.-
so chionged back home to get it.. then had to take MRT to school otherwise late le..
on bus 135 had a short convo with fahmy.. LOL best.
F: done any homework?
K: nope. not at all. heh.
F: how bout ur dnt?
K: haven't started.
F: you want to go poly or JC?
K: JC. xD
LOL. what an ass! but true. LOL.
reached school, where yisong passed me yongxin's tie, which he brought down for me.. aww my dear son HAHA.
had FTA, where mrs goh gave us the new timetable, which i lovee... it so totally rocks man. random recess times.. random lessons!! =DDD
then i realised that no one was wearing tie -.- so i wasted the effort of going home to get it, and yongxin wasted his time bringing it down -.-
didnt even have haircheck!!! YESSA! =DDD
had double SS, where, as expected, almost no one did homework. LOL ONLY 2 DID. GG.
E.math, where i was slacking coz surprisingly all my pages were filled O_O
had PE after that, where we measured ht and wt.. I'M STILL SHORT _l_ haha but i really lost alot of weight!! yessa.
couldn't play games coz no one except me brought PE.. LOL.. so we had to go back class to waste the period -.-
went for english, where everyone was starving.. 11.10 recess can kill -.-
FINALLY RECESS!! haha the canteen was so empty. bought 100 plus then went back to class to chiong the chem WS to be passed up during chem practical after school..
then after recess had CE, where mdm halilah talked to us about Post-secondary school life.. YEAH THAT WOULD BE SYOOOOOK!!! =DDD
then had double amath lecture!! amath is fun!! =DDD LOL.
finished up the chem paper and didnt have lunch.. went for chem prac, where Mr Tan said the paper hand up on wednesday -.- BASKET!!
had physics prac after that, then zhen yao and yong xin were looking for me for zhen yao's pants, which i stupidly forgot in my haze of confusion this morning -.- SORRY AGAIN!!
immediately saw an oppurtunity and got out of the lab!! haha. anw did my paper le. went to look for a spare set of pants for zhen yao.. then after everything settled down, printed 2 scores for my DSA.. the set piece and the scales.. OMFG STILL HAVENT CHOSEN A CHOICE PIECE!! PEOPLE HELP ME!! suggest to me on my tagboard, I BEG YOU!!!
practised abit of the set piece, then ate with YS and EZ then went home..
AH! first day of school, not bad uh? (:
posted @ 7:04 PM |
Sunday, June 28, 2009
3 things that are constantly worrying me like hell.
1: D&T.
haha k la ethel, i am sorta regretting it now. xDD
i think i'll have to drop coz my folio is hopeless.. havent started.
I know this sounds very loser, but even if i wanted to do it, I also don't have a printer to print the stuff that i need. HOW SIA. -.- SIGH.. ah well. guess i have to start studying for amath HAHHAA!!
had tuition with me aunt on friday.. thought it wasnt that bad.. thanks to my aunt, we realised that I actually have a phobia for amath!! gosh. wonder what's that called. I KNOW. Halilahphobia. LOL.
whatever.. but yea. covered logarithms and proving identities, and when we did it I was like moaning in fear when i saw the qstns lol. not joking here. its a real phobia LOL. weird...
but after the tuition thought it wasnt that bad haha, but still need to practise alot more..
2: DSA!!!
aw crap. got absolutely no time to practise le.. WHY DID THEY NOT EXTEND SCHOOL HOLIDAYS?!?!? fug. if they did i would have had time to practise.. darn darn darn. so its like. I'm gona fail DnT, and i'm gonna fail my DSA. = screwed life.
Well done Kenneth. ^^
3: SCHOOOL!! _l_
shit. havent touched homework, much less D&T -.- miss tan's gna slaughter me.
I'm like damn afraid of going to school, coz confirm got the everyday extra class. SCREW IT!! seriously feel like a frigging prisoner..
wonder what books to bring to school tomorrow other than D&T and science..
Whaaaaaat an "exciting" life.. Wish I didn't have it.
posted @ 7:03 PM |
just realised that SAJC sent me the set piece thru email.
monday-wednesday: DnT.
Thursday sure have to practise with band..
friday AYG performance!!!
posted @ 12:18 AM |
Friday, June 26, 2009
today was a good day, definitely. Heh. woke up and felt damn weird. was damn tired, and felt like i was still dreaming..
went to school for dnt, and realised nigel and yisong havent woke up.. -.- dicks. then miss tan talked to me.. then finally got to work ONCE AGAIN because what i was waiting for was finally done.. and now still need to finish up a bit, then i'm done!! FUG still got folio!! _l_
was joined by yisong at arnd 9 plus? worked even more.. ouch i cut my hand on one machine haha. but only a small one.. then at 12.30 workshop close.. xD Mr Juffri was like singing and gloating that we can't do anymore work. nigel woke up at 12.40 -.- asked him to go eat lunch and do folio with us, but naa... he didnt want to. vegetarian ass. xDDD
so me and yisong went to PP macs for lunch, then wanted to go library to do folio.. ended up eating at macs, where ther was this random girl who was loudly talking in a sarcastic manner about TK Band. -.- just coz my shirt got the logo. dno wtf her prob uh. crazy bitch. what kind of reaction does she expect from me? tch. Can't be bothered mann~~
plan to go library was eliminated.. came over to my place to do folio. well, we did... A BIT. HAHAHA. spent the rest of the time watching bleach xDDD yisong's now addicted.
arnd 4.45 left with him.. I had to go to my aunt's house for A.math "tuition". was really skeptical about it.. but then with me cuzzin's cute little dickface I just couldn't resist.. xDDD
sorta fun la. haha. really enlightening!! GOSH. darn. really learnt ALOT of things i didnt know. hehehe!!
anw, sorry to keep someone waiting ^^
PHOTOS OF TODAY!!yisong took this when he came. SEE HOW BORED I AM?!
my lovely dickface cuzzin who's currently addicted to maple LOL.
YEA YEA cover some more. no useeee boy!!
the lemon tea so extra HAHAHA!!
darn yisong sucks at taking photos!! gosh.
Heh this was taken a few seconds before i cut my hand. ^^
posted @ 10:23 PM |
Thursday, June 25, 2009
那一年默默無言 只能選擇離開..
我難過的是 放棄你 放棄愛
放棄的夢被打碎 忍住悲哀
我以為 是成全
我難過的是 忘了你 忘了愛
盡全力忘記我們 真心相愛
也忘了告訴你, 失去的不能重來..
I know this is a very old song, but it holds alot of meaning to me..
sigh. times that I would never ever forget in my life..
being in school at the moment is so.. FRUSTRATING!! coz of DnT.
I mean like, take today for example. I came at 8 to go for band. I wanted to go for Dnt after lunch..
at 10 plus, teachers come harrassing me le -.- so i have to go to the workshop, where i dont do anything because i'm waiting for something.
and then. i see other people coming in at 11 plus, 1 pm bla bla. HOW COME THEY CAN CHOOSE TO COME AT THAT TIME AND I CAN'T?!
i mean. like them, if i choose to come at that time, before that it's my life, right? so i can choose what to do with that time i have. i choose to spend it at band. WHAT GIVES THEM THE RIGHT TO STEAL ME OF THAT TIME?
and i know of people who are MUCHHHH slower than me. and they don't get no harrassment.
hell, school feels like some prison. NO FREEDOM. constantly have the feeling of being on the run. darn.
can't wait for O levels to be over. then can get job! yay. LOL.
till, then...
posted @ 8:57 PM |
Monday, June 22, 2009
today pon dnt omg. die liao mann. left how many days? and i still gotta help out with the CGs. I think only solution left is to come late for band. and then this saturday my aunt want me to see her for amath.. ZZZ~~
WENT FOR A MINI BATCH OUTING TODAY!! ^^ ah well. at least even tho it was only for a day (today), it was a good form of release. Felt bad though, wasn't really sure whether or not there was a section outing. Sorry if I missed it, I'll make it up to y'all!
so.. was supposed to wake up at 8 today, to go meet them at 10 at PP macs for breakfast. Dad came into my room at 7 -.- "kenneth!! it's 7 already!"
me: sooo?! (half asleep)
dad: i thought u need to reach somewhere by 8 oclock?!
me: aw man! I'm waking up at 8 oclock!
LOL. funny people living in my house indeed. HAHAHA. but anyway, couldn't get back to sleep after that. Had a weird dream though. Dreamt I was like hanging on some rope on a very high tower. Damn scared I was falling. But ah well. dreams are dreams, eh?
woke up and got ready for the outing.. but it was still early, and mum had gone down to buy breakfast. Dad was testing out the DVD player with Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix, coz the other time got no sound. Strangely, this time got sound haha. Ended up watching it all the way till i left home.
took 31 to PP.. met joyce and vern at macs, then at 10 called andrew. BASKET. he just woke up at 10 -.- dick. but yea.. then ee zeng joined us, followed by andrew, who left his specs at home HAHAHA!! loser.
went to ECP to cycle at arnd 12.. walked quite a distance before finally renting bikes. DARN THE BIKE SEAT IS PAIN! cycled damn far man. xD like twice the distance was travelled the last time i came to skate with Lai Dynasty.
yea.. stopped at some breakwater to take some shots, then realised there was a naked man lying there on the base of the breakwater. LOL. illegal immigrant? xD joyce and verniecia were like screaming -.-
cycled DAMN LONG!! butt was dying from the pain. ouch it still hurts xD and yea. ppl's bikes kept dying on them. and I was the hero of the day!! by fixing all their bikes in <5 secs. ^^
oh yea even helped some stranger boy. LOL. hero hero!! yea so two hours were used up cycling. FUN MAN! heh got to play by the beach at the beginning.. and took many group photos using ee zeng's phone. Darn. gotta got those.
so yea.. after cycling went to 7-11 coz some of them wanted to buy drinks b4 going to Kallang Leisure park to meet yisong, then go watch movie.
had lunch at KFC.. yisong was being the usual fag he was. xD HE WORE BATCH TEE!! gosh I salute him.
went to watch "Ghost of Girlfriend's past". HEY this is a really really REALLY GOOD show. though the content is abit mature. alot of sexual stuff uh. but it's really a very nice show. Not the sexual part. but of the story. i wun be a spoiler.. just check it out yoo.
after that played arcade for quite some time, then headed home..
yeah. basically that was my day today. not bad uh? yea i think so too!the beach.. SIGH. miss philippines. xD
male-ethel (andrew), Joyce and Verniecia.
yea. all the smiles in the world.
xD look like some emo boy.
forever prepared xD
nice view eh? behind us climb down the rocks = naked man. HHAHAHAH!!!
aha funny ah?
yea they pretending to climb some high mountain.. Male-Ethel's idea xD
group shot! so sad don have me in it. HEH.
Lau da guarding our table! *attention!*
yea me and andrew were PWNED by the guitar game. LOL. fked up!
pls forgive my Rtard expressions..yisong looks bored while blastoise looks focused.
aww. shuai ge.
posted @ 8:31 PM |
Sunday, June 21, 2009
posted @ 11:42 PM |
Friday, June 19, 2009
this is the nicest man!lol at nigel and zoo! xD
what a strong imagination dylan has -.-
posted @ 10:30 PM |
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
xD today feels like a Sunday. DAMN BORED!!
been watching anime the whole day -.-
anw, was so bored i decided to do this!!
xD yong xin looks like a cartoon character!! xDDDD
posted @ 6:33 PM |
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
YESTERDAY was retarded -.- met nigel and yisong at Lavender MRT at 1, so we could go to Sim Lim Square to check out the old Xbox games and PS2 -.-
THEN REALISED THAT SIM LIM SQUARE WAS AT BUGIS. !@#$%^&*() babi yisong never say earlier -.- so we took a bus to bugis, then walked to sim lim square.. was a stupid trip in the end, coz we didn't buy anything -.-
some guy was mad. i asked the old Xbox game "fatal frame" how much. he said $30. then he reduced the price to $5!!! and dumb vegetarian dont want buy -.- NIGEL SELL ME YOUR XBOX!!! nabu. he got it free from his aunt -.-
after walking around like retards, we went to bugis village macs to have lunch -.-
wow that place is FULL OF COCKROACHES MAN!
then went to junction arcade to slack -.- as usual, nigel went on guitar and i went on drums -.- AHA YISONG GOT US KILLED! HE DIED ON THE GUITAR LOL!!!! lol that arcade not bad uh. tho its $0.50 more than at suntec, got much more songs!! and nicer ones!! BLUE BIRD FTW!!!
then after crapping at the arcade, a crazy idea dawned upon us -.-
HAHAHAHAH!! DAMN FUNNY. imagine yisong playing LAN-.-
but in the end we did uh. went to katong SC. LOL GO ALL THE WAY FROM BUGIS!! but got straight bus. xD 12. so we tried out DotA, coz the noobass shop got no rakion or CS -.- dno why home of pool cannot sign up new members le.. yisong and nigel. so we went to the basement some LAN shop.. not bad. 1hr/$1.50..
by the end was 7+pm -.-
went to PP macs to have something like dinner.. xD chocolate sundae is nice man! all thanks to yong xin -.-at PP macs after playing LAN -.-
LOL playing the drums! yay!
dick shit. behind him got alot of cockroaches!! LOL. he was like damn paranoid! xD
supposed to be a (lame) face. LOL but ended up looking horny HAHAHA!!!
TODAY WAS FUNNNN!! whole day band! gosh feels like a saturday. LOL. in the morning me and chiang man did the scores sorting out.. then went for lunch with Mr Siao and Mr Neo.. DAMN FUNNY. xD
then when came back from lunch started painting the office.. darn. it looks damn cool and big!! but got myself damn coated in paint -.-
then helped with CGs.. haha not bad. its quite fun! yeah!! WHOOSH.
thing about it is.. I'm finally in the field with the band once again.. SIGH. miss that feeling mann.. heh. its okay! at least im contributing!! yessa!!
k now its annoying.. apparently my father and mother arranged for me to go to my aunts house for amath -.-
thursday i got DnT and band!! FUG! screw it. and now my father asking me to call her and tell her i cant go -.-
what am i gonna say in the call.. sigh. gotta resign myself to fate. FAREWELL PEOPLE..
posted @ 8:56 PM |
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Well, today was a Sunday, and as usual, went for church.
Nothing eventful happened today.. After church went to bedok with mum and bro coz mum wanted to repair 2 of her shoes at the cobbler -.-
apparently Tampines cobblers charge very high LOL. so yea.. then we went to sheng shiong to buy some daily stuff uh. was crowded and stuff.. thought my bro was damn annoying. just couldn't shut up man..
LOL I've been playing mount & blade alot HAHA! not bad uh the game. but I want something more fun!! zzz.. IF ONLY I GOT PS 2... I've been wanting it since primary school LOL. sadly, my finances restrict me so!!
nvm.. tmrw going out with nigel and yisong.. should be fun eh? heh.
posted @ 10:36 PM |
posted @ 12:15 AM |
Saturday, June 13, 2009
wow. my 300th post, and I have nothing to post. GG bodo.
nvm, I'll make up for it on Monday..
Me, Nigel and Yisong going out ah haha. should be interesting to see what yisong wears this time!! LOL
Band was fun.. lols.. I've got another new thing to do! yay!
was so tired when I got home..
Put my stuff down, lay down on my bed, and ended up falling asleep for 45 mins -.-
Mum was screaming at me to get up and bathe and have dinner, but i was like in such a deep sleep that i could hear her, but couldnt react LOL.
nvm, this 2 weeks of "holidays" should replenish my sleep. xD AWW MAN STILL GOT DNT!!!!!
posted @ 9:51 PM |
Friday, June 12, 2009
me thinks some people should learn to shut up, and get over their ego problems.
OPEN YOUR EYES, YOU FRIGGING ASIAN! xD (self denial HAHAHA.) <-- which is the problem at the moment -.-
posted @ 10:38 PM |
Thursday, June 11, 2009
thanks dylan -.- dickhead. xDDD
like dancing sia.
gay bitches. xDDD
fuyoh! only the face clear. but mind very blur. xDDD
take 1, oops cut off yisong! dui bu qi lau da!!
the yixuan smile. xD AHAHAHAHA!!
retarded "group shot" felt like lau da was analing me -.- LOL.
well then, today's truncated was superrr boring. woke up super late HAHAHA. damn funny in the morning.
you know sometimes when you're just so damn tired, you dream that you're already up and going to school, when you're actually just sleeping on your bed? yeah. that happened. xD
I DREAMT i woke up and got ready for school, and after bathing i sat in my room in front of the fan to dry my hair. (?!) LOL. and in reality i was oversleeping liao xD
Mum came in to wake me up. Turned off my fan. HAHA. I was like damn agitated! I rmb mumbling saying "I'M ALREADY UP! I'M JUST DRYING MY HAIR!" when in fact i was just lying on my bed and talking into my pillow -.- only after a while i realised how stupid it was, then quickly got out off my room, walking past my sniggering mother. HAHAHA!
if i took bus 10 as usual, would have reached school at 8.10 or so. LOL. so i chose to take MRT uh. still was late tho -.- but just 5 mins late. felt weird to have the school so silent suddenly. hehe.
had SS.. Yisong sent me Sims 3 on handphone HAHA. wrong move. addicted to it liao. played the bloody game the whole day whenever i could.
after SS had amath.. since i didnt do the work, decided to TRY and copy. in the end epic fail, ended up just playing Sims -.-
went for physics lecture after that, another 1.25hours of Sims 3. LOL! bloody addictive.
had lunch with peh peh and lai lai at prata shop again -.- EVERY SINGLE DAY OMG.
the indian not so skinny woman was laughing when she saw us. yeah. we laughed too, when we saw her large p______s hanging outside the shop in the alleyway. =X
went back to school for DnT.. was bouncing the basketball in class, when the irritating cleaner woman go make noise -.- wtf man. not as if we're damaging anything right?! basket. and i think she bautou then the staff went into the classroom after we left.. probably to confiscate the ball? LOL. idiots. not as if i care luh. confiscate lo. arrogant asses.
i used to respect the cleaners in TK ALOT. but recently, I noticed that some of them have MAJOR att. probs. okay, ALOT of them. just few days ago i was going to the toilet. one malay auntie cleaner was standing at the door, staring at me as i entered. She never say cannot use, also got no sign cannot use. I go in, suddenly she shout at me sia! wtf.. so nvm i just go up to the 3rd floor use. -.- and now today.
went for DnT, when i realised all my artefacts were GONE. SCARE ME SIA. in the end found it. some asshole took out his stuff and knocked mine out of the cupboard ytd, when i was not in the workshop. AND THAT CB never put my stuff back. so ms seah kept SOME of my artefact. the most important part, I found it in the rubbish bin. GG.
yeah, thanks for the concern, people. LOL at harith -.-
after doing DnT awhile went to suntec with yisong and nigel again, and ate at BK. LOL at nigel!!
then went to walk around.. YiSong left early, and then me and nigel went to the PC show at the convention centre. was meeting mum and sis later there.
BLOODY CROWDED SIAL. couldnt move an inch. damn squeezy. darn.
I wanted to buy the 4GB memory card for phone!! $14.50 omg. good deal. LOL andrew bought it at $40! LOSERRRRR.
then after mum and sis looked around for sis' hard drive, went home via bus, while nigel went by MRT.
yeah, that was my day. and now i have this weird calluse on my thumb. ITS NUMB. I cant feel anything on my right thumb darn. damn weird. feels like i still have my plaster on. except its a biologic plaster. AND I CANT FREAKING FLIP PAGES WITH MY RIGHT HAND NO MORE!! darn. why do i have so many calluses on my hands.. zzz
TOMORROW'S the last day of truncated! OMG. damn syok. cant wait. FREEDOM AT LAST. FINALLY A HOLIDAY THIS YEAR. but darn still need to do DNT-.- FK FK FK FK FK FK FK FK !
my hair's long, need to cut soon. AWWW NOOO!! shall wait. xD
posted @ 10:40 PM |
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
darn days in Singapore are getting hotter and hotter, I swear..
anw, was in band ytd and today, didn't go for DnT mueheheh! Some how or rather I get this feeling that Mr Juffri is pissed with me ponning so many times, then seeing me with my juniors -.-
but then again, many people get the same feeling that he's pissed with them too..
quoting from Ong Jin:"He fking attitude!"
Well that's a harsh way to put it. Heh. Days at home.. I've been eating dinner with family at 10pm. LOL! feel so bad sia.. Didn't think they'd wait for me to start dinner, they usually would just eat. AND! I was late for church -.- so they locked the doors and darn, my streak is broken.
Never mind if you dont understand, I do! :DDD
Been having weird dreams at night lately.. Often awoken by the sudden weird noises coming from the kitchen (beside my bedroom). Noises like glasses banging on the table, mugs knocking against each other and stuff like that. Ah well.. For the weird dreams, I like it! Hahahah. It brings life into my sleep mannn.. Feel so darn good when I wake up from a dream. It's been so long since I had dreams.. Last night's one was about Maple and Pokemon LOL.
saw me bro playing maple ep.2 last night.. So I was tempted to play it. Cause I'm so darn bored at home after finishing heroes. Might start playing maple again soon.. But not now, due to the fact that my DnT artefact's still not done. Since there's no band prac for tomorrow and the day after, I SHOULD BE able to focus on DnT hahahah!
Anyway, I think that the band has come a long way.. And yes, though not perfect YET, I think it's good. At least this time people are putting in a lot of effort. Can see that in many people now.. Cheers! At this rate, something good will happen, you'll see.. ^^
STILL HAVEN'T DONE AMATH HOMEWORK!! Nor have i started seeking help for amath -.-
going to soon, I guess. Probably finally going to heed parents' words and go to my aunt's house to study amath. And hangout with me cuzzie arnd hougang mall or something. Heh. GOTTA GET MY LIFE BACK, DARN.
just one retarded photo to end this retarded post,
posted @ 10:06 PM |
Sunday, June 7, 2009
wish I could go to a place like this and just stone there without a care in the world~~ except of band, of course. hahaha.
well, there's many things on my head..
First, there's the basketball interclass tournament which was postponed, tomorrow. At the same time, Mr K's coming tomorrow. I used to have this dilemma on whether I should choose band or basketball.
Now, I can say whole-heartedly, with no reluctance whatsoever, I choose band. ^^The magic of being bonded with your juniors can make wonders. Hehe.
On the other hand, there's still alot of DnT work to be done, which is due in July. Which means I have not much time left. NOO.. Ah well. It's my own fault for slacking off in the beginning of the year. hehe. Anyway, there's going to be around 3 hours of DnT during truncated lessons tomorrow! woosh!
Was bugging my mum to buy me a bass trombone earlier haha. Most probably would cost around $5K LOL. Which means it's impossible. Ah well.. Can't wait to get to work to get one! Oh yes.. After visiting SAJC to submit the form on Wednesday, I've been constantly thinking of SAJC and when I can finally get out of TK hahahah.
SAJC is like so humoungous.. And it's got TWO basketball courts. Like TNPS! Unlike TK -.- Besides, there's this St Andrews village thingy. And it's connected to SAS and SA junior school. Once again, it's HUMONGOUS. Which means I'll have alot of places to hang out or just stone. Can't wait. It's gonna be a whole new environment out there.. Wonder how many people I know will be there. Interesting!! I can't wait mann...
Oh yes I've been reading Harry Potter again! Hahah no idea why suddenly I start reading again, but I seem to have forgotten the joy of reading ROFL.
Anyway, I'm thinking of getting a new blogskin lols. Any recommendations?
posted @ 7:36 PM |
Saturday, June 6, 2009
went for band today hehe.
whatever, call me no life or stuff. coz I don't fking give a damn~~
band is my life. and my passion for band will neva end amigo.
but questions still remained unanswered.. and yeah. gotta think about all these. so yeah.
DNT!! argh.
and i gotta help out on monday to wednesday. somehow. xDD
anw, just rmbed this video on pinoy champion dancers that i found on nadia's blog during exams!
posted @ 11:05 PM |
Thursday, June 4, 2009
It's been a rather busy week man.
Been sleeping quite the late.. Monday was Chinese O level.. haha. not as scary as i thought.
was quite do-able, i think. but.. still not confident of A -.- durhh.
Tuesday, went for band prac LOL. just helped do some miscellanous stuff uh.. then slacked off at videoworld with Willy Wonka and ChenDog, and with the tubas.
YESTERDAY.. after truncated (STUPID IDIOTIC TRUNCATED MAKING ME SO SLEEPY AND TIRED. BORING POOP.) , I went to SAJC to meet Faizah the darkness to submit my DSA form -.-
had lunch with peh peh and lai lai at "It's A Prime Prata Corner!" xDDD and right after i was bloated with food, i saw 31 at the other bus stop.
Because Faizah said she had to go for her Malay Society thing at 2.30, which meant that she couldn't send me to the general office or whatever to submit my form. Seeing as it was already 1.50pm, and YiSong scared me by saying the journey took 45 mins, without thinking, i glanced at the roads, and jay-ran -.-
yea. pinoy exp rocks ur life man. but was dying on the bus. try filling ur piehole with prata, then run as fast as u can across a road. LOL. the organic blender in ur tummy will be like jumping and jumping.
forget that. AND FORGET MY PREVIOUS POST. darn.
found out yisong was wrong, becoz in like 20 mins or less, i got on a highway with the sign "Toa Payoh ^" thus, i assumed i was reaching soon. was scrutinising all the stops the bus stopped at, then suddenly realised I was reaching Toa Payoh Interchange. LOL!!
so i called yisong
me: Lol wtf I'm in the interchange now.
Ys: huh what the hell didnt u see any orange school?
me: what orange school?! LOL. i was suddenly on a high way and then.. I was in the interchange -.-
Ys: ah well.. take 31 back ah. xD nigel go shit and he's slacking. never do DnT.
lol.. those 2 have been going to DnT for the past few days.. but apparently heard that nigel's been slacking. xDDD
me, i just dont wanna go. coz i go also cant do anything zzz. need to ask Ms Tan stuff but she's always not around..
its sorta bugging my conscience uh. left 1 week to really chiong DNT, then 1st day of july must submit artefact and folio to cambridge liao.
ah well. nvmmmm.. so anw. back to the point. finally got thru to faizah (her phone was dying). she asked me to take 142.. then was like damn thirsty. coz eat the prata never drink anything must chiong for bus le.. then was like coughing on the bus. throat felt damn constricted..
so i went to buy a drink at cheers at the Toa Payoh Interchange.. then waited for 142.. omg damn long.
finally took 142 to SAJC. AND basket. its so humongous. entered from St Andrew Village. and i got lost. -.-
until faizah found me HAHA. coz her phone dead la. basket. walked all the way.. thru st andrew junior school, st andrew secondary, and finally reached SAJC.
oh darn they have 2 basketball courts side by side. and it looks new HAHA!! cant wait.
faizah took a look at my DSA form, and realised i never fill in 2 parts. 2008 EOY L1R5, and 2009 MYE L1R5. -.-
filled the MYE in.. then forgot last year one. called in panic to alot of ppl for help, then finally my sis pick up at home -.- missed call so many times -.- and she read that me L1R5 for EOY last year was 23 O_O
23!!! OMFG.
but scared they dun accept me for MYE la.. raw score is 28, but with term 1 it becomes 34 zzz
met faizah's SL. Russel. cool. haha, seemed like a nice guy.
then after giving the form to the teacher, we went to Toa Payoh Int to meet up with nigel and yisong. wanted to go somewhere uh. before i go church at night.
went to some lame excuse for a mall.. and then went to converters. BLOOODY HELL! Game Boy advance SP at $44!! dicky bird. i rmb screaming and crying for that years ago -.-
after slacking around, finally decided to go plaza singapura LOL.
took a bus, forgot what number le LOL 142? 139?
went to plaza singapura, and went to the Music Square to look at tbones!! ^^
omg i realised that my mouthpiece costs $195. HOT DAMN!
faizah wants to buy plastic mouthpiece -.- then we went to the top floor.. went into some sword shop. they sell bleach swords!! OMFG. cool yo.
then went for dinner at KFC. vegetarian at KFC. COOL.
yea so had dinner, then took bus to kallang with nigel, then went for church..
reached home at 11 -.- darn sleepy. stupid truncated. deprive my sleep.
photos of YTD!!some dinosaur event at plaza singapura..
yea the mall. xD
excited your senses enough, Nigel? xDDD
HAHA. enjoy this, yisong.
today was another round of boring truncated -.-
went for band after lesssons.. ponned DnT again. HAIIZ Kenneth...
ah well. band is my life. cant live without it HAHA. even Nadir said so!! darn.
so yeah. gna watch bleach now! ciaos
posted @ 9:36 PM |