haha i'm much better now ;D
just came back from NYP (Nanyang Polytechnic) Alumni Winds Concert 09..
haha mr keith koe asked us to go ah.. coz he's co-conducting the band, and he's an alumni too..
seriously. its like the first song they played. ross roy. damn cool can.
and i think the tuba SAF masterclass tutor is playing there. the one that looks like mr hareesh. xD
so today....
went to school, and forgot there was the meeting. heh.
so i chionged to COE room.. and attended the meeting..
then had band prac.. sectionals.
then lunch, we went to KFC!!!! WHOOSH. NO MORE BANQUET! WHOOSH.
then went back for band, where the sec 1s had been posted to their sections.
Heh. dear sec 1 trombonists..
I have alot of hope in all 3 of you, and i believe that you will shine brightly, if you put in the effort to learn and strive to be the best.
All of us, your seniors, will definitely do our best to guide you along while we can. Especially us, your sec 4s.
teehee =)
okay tht was weird. why did i just do that o.o
okay so there're 3 sec 1 trombonists.. Jia Hao, Nicholas, and Cynthia.
i think that they're good. really. haha. ah well.
"gemstones need to be polished before they can truly shine.. otherwise they'll just remain as dirt." - quoted from Mr David Wong. LOL.
so... me and hong wan taught them the essential stuff.. buzzing.. holding inst.. assembling.. slide positions.. etc etc.
then had combined..
then at 5, me, yong xin, ethel and sherlynn had to leave le.. coz the concert was in Republic Polytechnic. IN WOODLANDS. LOL.
so chiong there by MRT..
i feel quite bad. coz.. i feel like i pangseh the band. like feel damn guilty. ah well...
had dinner with them at singpost first, subway. LOL. 2nd time eating there -.-
then took MRT to woodlands! sherlynn was listening to songs on my phone while yong xin was acting hero by standing and trying to balance himself on the train.
the concert was bloody nice i think.
the band's balance is super nice. and the dynamics are WOW.
they played ross roy, Harvest waves, they played a Woodwind quintet too! LOL but i dun think it can be called a quintet. coz a french horn played, and its not woodwind right? xD
ah well. then they played The Seventh Night of July, and The Witch and The Saint.
~intermission, where the four of us gave Mr Keith Koe his gift, and fooled around with the paintings xD~
then the band played Declaration, Ballade and Finale. this sounds damn familiar. forgot where i heard it. perhaps thru another concert?
then they had a Saxophone ensemble, where one of the conductors, Mr Gavin Goh, a PRO Saxophone player, played the melody.
DAMN BLOODY NICE I TELL U. they played "For This Moment".. ah shucks if only Mr Keith Koe could have played a trombone ensemble. xD
oh and the band is combined with current NYP band members leh!! the 2 bass trombonists are current NYPWO (nanyang poly wind orchestra) members. COOL YO.
then they played When the Tears Fell, a song about the trek of the cherokee (indians), when they were moving from their eastern state homes to Indian Territory. over 4000 men, women and children died.. zzz
then they played Imagine, an english song. but no one sang la duh -.-
the Mr Gavin Goh played the solo. DAMN IMBA!!!!!! OMFG.
haha sherlynn keep saying heiser's gonna take his place. LOL..
and the last piece was Elisabeth. this one got sad story. really. ah well. but i dun wan type here. xD
played this piece in sec 2.. haha. when i heard the song i keep thinking of the place where we performed, the Indian Festival of Colours. HAHAHA.
then the concert ended.. me and yong xin wanted to shout encore, but ppl overtook us. so we joined in!!
then after they finished the encore piece, i dared yong xin to shout encore again. HAHHAA.
but didnt expect this to happen.
people were rising from their seats, when yong xin suddenly roared ENCOREEEEEEEE!!!!!.
everyone stare at him. i was so shocked by his roar that i jerked and knocked my head on the seat. sherlynn best. she ran down the aisle. HAHAHAHA.
then ethel's parents fetched us home. aww.. how nice. really.
today made me contemplate.. should i try going Nanyang poly? LOL. see first ba.
PHOTOS!!!!lousy imitation. LOL!!!
ah.. that's better. xD
like ghost like that. LOL dunno where ethel learnt this from. CAMWHORE!!!
SIGH, vulgar ppl.
eh, want fight ah?
LOL. sigh. trombones rule~~~~~~~
posted @ 10:40 PM |
Friday, February 27, 2009
friends in need are friends in deed. i love my juniors so much. haha.
seriously, i feel the love..... xD
heh. today was weird.
had no money to eat, so starved myself thru the whole day..
and still had the strength to play basketball xD
then mdm shaherah called me.. and i thought it was band stuff.
ended up going up to be scolded by her and miss seah becoz i was at the basketball court and not in the COE room doing DNT.
like even if i go fo the consultation thingy, i also dunno what to do there ma -.-
so even if i go there.. i'll merely be wasting my time there watching ppl do consultation -.-
so i went back to play basketball..
then mr roy soh came and we started playing basketball with the sec 1 soccer boys...
then they started playing soccer in the basketball court, much to alot of ppl's displease. LOL.
then mdm shaherah called me up... ran up to meet her, despite being damn exhausted due to not eating since 5.50am and playing basketball for damn long..
then miss seah appeared, and started scolding me and scolding me for not doing my DnT Olevel coursework and stuff...
ah well. have to do the work, somehow.
posted @ 7:52 PM |
Thursday, February 26, 2009
heh. there i went, thinking ytd was a bad day.
well, hello, today! u sucked so bad.
oh yes. pressure stacking up like some fat sumo.
stress piling like bulls with diarrhea..
nobody's helping..
failing every test i've been taking since i've become sec 4..
failing teacher's expectations..
"i might have to take you out of band."
"what's happening to you?"
"why are you so sleepy?"
"you are a very very bad influence to your friends."
"ah give up doing the paper la. you'll just fail anw. stupid kenneth."
oh sure.
that's what i've been hearing for quite some time.
life's been.. depressing.
nobody's helping either. more stress at home.
got bad news some more. mum says she's got high blood pressure.
school just sucks..
tests almost everyday..
i'm reaching home at 9pm everyday. how to do homework?
more importantly, how to do DnT O level assignments?
and some teachers just love to be so sarcastic such that they make me hate them.
oh yes.
sarcasm can be fun, but an overdose is obviously offensive. especially when it concern's my life's passion.
sometimes, ppl just need to learn when to fk off.
posted @ 9:14 PM |
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
gosh, why didnt the overdosage of alcohol kill me?
posted @ 10:56 PM |
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
last night me and ee zeng went over to wilmar's condo to play basketball!
but due to late buses and travelling bores, we reached there at around 7.30. zZz
then we went to play basketball. surprisingly, nobody playing o.O usually got alot of ppl playing.
so we sorta played by ourselves, then some ppl played match. teehee. owned. LOL.
then at around 8.30, went back to his house to "STUDY".
yeah right. we merely had a second round of WRESTLING in wilmar's room. HAHAHA.
his parents not at home uh. all go back indonesia for 2 weeks. so only he and his maid at home. LOL wonder what he's been doing ehh? ehh? xDDDD
so yeah. less talk, more photos!!
EXCLUSIVE EE ZENG PORN!!!no need to comment further. TEEHEE.
indo porn!
ee zeng act cute xD
oh yeah~ that's hot!
but anw.. today was a sleepy day, due to the fact that me and ee zeng left wilmar's house at 10.30 xD
OH YEAH. forgot to mention. the live footage of the "wrestling"/humping sessions are in my phone and ee zeng's phone!! heehee if want to watch come see yeah? xDDD
so.. today was a sleepy day. and a quite bad one too.
occurred to me that ______________________________. And that i should ___________________________.
anw, played basketball after geog test, which i so did not study for. haha. fell asleep during the test xD
i thnk that.. amaths test wasnt so bad WOW. HAHAHA
then had to stay back till 6++ for horns and saxes...
and i'm in another "band bonding" convo. wth...
sigh. what have i gotten into?!
enough. no more.
i've had enough. Just put me out of my ___ing misery.
posted @ 9:02 PM |
Sunday, February 22, 2009
i just msned with diana, one of the skating instructors.. yes, the malay dark one girl who looks very old..
and here's the convo. DAMN FUNNY.
Gay smiles and nice hugs. says:
Gay smiles and nice hugs. says:
okay don't tell anyone i said this la huh
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
i'm telling nigel
Gay smiles and nice hugs. says:
(i can get sacked) hahahahaha
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
Gay smiles and nice hugs. says:
Gay smiles and nice hugs. says:
who's nigel?
Kenneth - says:
the whole school thinks so anw
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
Gay smiles and nice hugs. says:
Kenneth - says:
what did u thnk his name is?!
Gay smiles and nice hugs. says:
Gay smiles and nice hugs. says:
Gay smiles and nice hugs. says:
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
Gay smiles and nice hugs. says:
shut up la hahahahahahahahaha
Gay smiles and nice hugs. says:
no one told me his name what!
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
Gay smiles and nice hugs. says:
shut up ah.
Gay smiles and nice hugs. says:
i don't know ali's real name also
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
the malay small guy?
Gay smiles and nice hugs. says:
i think it's something like fariz or whatever
Gay smiles and nice hugs. says:
Kenneth - says:
the white guy?
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
Gay smiles and nice hugs. says:
Kenneth - says:
hong wan u know ald right?
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
Gay smiles and nice hugs. says:
Kenneth - says:
the girl is dianna, not dianne
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
and she's the same age as u
Kenneth - says:
Gay smiles and nice hugs. says:
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
but its okay
Kenneth - says:
my cousins in philippines thnk i'm 21 -.-
Kenneth - says:
when i was 14
Gay smiles and nice hugs. says:
i can't look 16 hahahahahahaha
Kenneth - says:
they thought i was 21 -.-
Gay smiles and nice hugs. says:
Gay smiles and nice hugs. says:
thats worse
Kenneth - says:
do u smoke? or does ur father?
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
coz smoking makes u look older
Kenneth - says:
my dad does -.-
Gay smiles and nice hugs. says:
my dad does too
Gay smiles and nice hugs. says:
Kenneth - says:
no wonder ah
Kenneth - says:
Gay smiles and nice hugs. says:
do you know that almost all the skating trainers are around my age?
Gay smiles and nice hugs. says:
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
Gay smiles and nice hugs. says:
Gay smiles and nice hugs. says:
they all smoke hahahaha
Gay smiles and nice hugs. says:
Gay smiles and nice hugs. says:
except for a few la, people like Melvin, Zee and Remie are 20+
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
Gay smiles and nice hugs. says:
other than that it's 16, 17,18
Gay smiles and nice hugs. says:
Alvin is the same age as me
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
u all should tell us ur ages
Kenneth - says:
Gay smiles and nice hugs. says:
yeahhhhhhh, actually we are not suppose to la
Gay smiles and nice hugs. says:
i'm trying to become a camp instructor you see. And I have to be 21 to be able to become one.
But i'm only sixteen, so they say as long as i look 21 it's fine
Gay smiles and nice hugs. says:
so yeah la.
Gay smiles and nice hugs. says:
i look 21 or not : DD
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
u look old enuf
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
how old do i look?
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
do i look 16?
Gay smiles and nice hugs. says:
nope, definitely not
Kenneth - says:
in my uniform yes ...
Kenneth - says:
Gay smiles and nice hugs. says:
hahahah but pei does
Kenneth - says:
how old?
Kenneth - says:
how old did u think i am?
Gay smiles and nice hugs. says:
19 maybe?
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
she's from crescent girls' BAND.
percussionist. LIKE OMFG.
posted @ 9:49 PM |
Saturday, February 21, 2009
YAY! last night winnie sent me the WISC photos of my section!!!
but last night internet lagg like hell.. so cannot upload..
here goes..i think this is a very nice photo.. heehee. Mr Kajiyama!!!
lol slacking during lunch.. yong xin was emoing.. forgot why xD
act cute -.- LOL.
so.. today had sec 4 and sec 1 band prac. somehow or rather.. i have alot of hope for this batch of sec 1s. i think that, they will be very good members. Well, definitely not all, but at least they have some..
heehee. their batch like damn lucky la. got interaction with seniors one. and also got what instrument shopping, which is so cool.
the sec 1s got to play every single instrument. like WOW. that is so cool.
and me and hong wan found out ALOT of sec 1s got potential to play trombone!! first time play their tone already got standard siol. that's why i think their batch got big potential. heehee.
combined was funn!!
xD got to play ALOT of new pieces. including video games live, though i dunno the games xD.
yong xin would die to come today. we played pieces from Halo, and Final Fantasy. HEEHEE.
IN YOUR FACE, CHENDOG. lololololol.
found out that sec 1s got another dude called Kenneth!! he plays basketball too O__O and he plays defence too O__O
LOL. but i still won him 5-0. heheee. i'm so bad. xD
then went home with ee zeng.. yisong was father-fetched.
oh and jaclyn came today!! got alot of alumni come today. heehee..
so yeah.. dunno what to blog abt le. ciaos!
posted @ 8:51 PM |
Thursday, February 19, 2009
heheh thanks for the concern guys, be it on my tagboard or on MSN =D
but i'm okay now, just that ytd bad mood i guess.
today played basketball!! ALOT OF IT. xD fun ah. played in school..
oh and while playing basketball i was being very bastard to Siddharth, who got very pissed off. xDDDDD
okay la. i nice guy la. so i stop di siao him liao. xDDD
then after that went home with ee zeng, who was laughing like some retard on the bus while we shared our primary school times.
how i miss my primary school times.. sec school life is just so... tiresome.
i'm so gonna die for DNT can. coz of the stupid microsoft office problem.
and there's like so much work to be done and submitted for O level. which i am sure i will not have enuf time to do.
and miss tan said that march holidays we have to go school to make the artefact. ZZZZ.
band camp la.. i dun wanna leave band camp!!!
so confused... coz one moment you're on, then the other you're off..
posted @ 10:30 PM |
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
i just read nigel's post. and i really agree. sec 4 life sucks. seriously.
like him, my mood's been really bad too. just scolded my brother coz he was being a stupid nuisance bugging me to create some stupid game account.
and he cried -.- just coz i scolded him. with a nasty side that i don't want anybody i know to ever see.
yes, i know that alot of you will go,"wah this guy damn bad sia. make his younger brother cry. what a bastard."
well, newsflash. i don't care.
like i said, i've just been in a spate of bad moods lately. its like what nigel said, fluctuating. its the extreme of both sides. some times i'm just so high, then suddenly my mood is damn bad.
some people are not helping at all, being such irritating fkers. i'm not referring to my bro.
dunno what's happening uh. i'm also like damn sleepy now. maybe that's what's contributing to the bad mood.
since 2009 started, i've been like sleeping ALOT in class. almost every class. proven by my previous post -.-
but really la. even the slightest of things put me off nowadays. like, the way u talk to me. the way u look at me. the way u respond.
i dunno. even body language, tho not directed at me, can piss me off so bad.
but still, i'm keeping it all inside. coz i know if i ever lose control, sambadi gana getta hurta rrreal badd. (adopted from Russel Peters. LOL.)
like i said it before, just because i'm smiling, doesnt mean i'm happy. just be careful with what you do.. especially YOU. you've really been being a piss in the pants. a real prick.
so... today. had double geog elect, where i slept -.- mrs chen was being real understanding by not shouting, just tapping us gently to wake us up. by saying us, i mean that alot of other 4J pl were sleeping haha. but could tell she was losing her temper. lol.
then had double amath, coz mr rizal went for a course and then our PE lesson was taken by amath... which i think... is really bullshit.
PE is one of the very rare times where we get to really destress with all our classmates and have fun together. Now it's just wrong to replace it with a subject that isnt very enjoyable.
I mean, is it that difficult for a relief teacher to take us for PE? wth right?
had chem, where i was literally dozing off tho it was quite an interesting topic.
math, where mrs hwang was really angry coz nobody was doing their work. and i was also dozing off.
had double english, where me and nigel slacked -.- and then siddharth made a speech to the class about his trip to his hometown, Mumbai.
quite an interesting speech. heh. i still have no idea what to do for my public speaking next term -.-
then had assembly, where i had to go for some EV session. met Bobbi, and crapped around at the back of the classroom..
had DnT test which i absolutely did not study for.
and even before the test started i was like pissed off really badly.
so didnt have any mood to do the damned test. i'm prepared to fail. anw, my class sure will have more failures than 4F and 4C. because, both the other classes had lessons before this test. whereas for 4J, our classes are on thursday and friday, and the test was today. so yeah, less revision than the other 2 classes.
really needed to get out of the gloom of the classroom, so after the test immediately grabbed my stuff and hauled.
automatically went to the basketball court to play with yong ming and the others. don't think i played well these few days.. its like when i play i seem to be distracted or something. cant focus.
then cleared court for school team..
i watched them have practice from 3rd floor. haha. miss those days as a sec 1 when i had bball practice. i was dying from the running. LOL. but it was fun, and i really enjoyed myself. besides, i still think band is more tiring.
i still rmb sec 1 lor.
its like on monday, wednesday and friday got bball practice. then tuesday, thursday and saturday got band. so only sunday i see sunlight in tampines. coz i leave early in the morning, when its still dark, and i reach home at around 8pm, where its also dark.
and.. when there was basketball practice, i come home, take a bath, and play com. but when there was band practice, the moment i reach home, i drop dead on the sofa and fall asleep immediately. yes, that was how exhausted i was then.
dunno why either heehee.
hmmm.. dunno what else to blog abt. oh and ee zeng says he saw something spooky happen behind me on the bus just now. LOL. ah well. shan't say it here.
till then... i'll be hoping for a miracle. one with you and me in it..
posted @ 9:14 PM |
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
today was quite fun. hehe sorry for not updating ytd. was... busy? doing amath hmwk and watching anime. LOL.
so... the new student in class is Dianna. and i think some people are being such fkers for calling her "jonathan". -.- lame ppl.
besides, i think she can freaking beat the crap outta u ppl. heehee. so watch what u say, ppl =DDDD
ytd was.. lol. everyone thought Dianna was a china girl who just migrated over to singapore.
but turns out she was in TK last time le. no wonder so long never see her. and she looked damn familiar. ah well. suddenly she become DAMN WHITE and her hair is much shorter. and thus, not many ppl recognise her. heh.
had SS.. boring.... NOT. heehee. terrorism, baby! i find it a very interesting topic. not that i'm into terrorism, of course. just find it rather interesting. much better than baby bonuses -.-
then had chemistry, where we did practical and stuff. Mr Tan spurted my boiling acid all over my table -.- pro sia. totally fearless. LOL.
had math, where i was falling asleep, then had amath lecture, where i was entertained by ashraf and shazani throwing staple bullets at Hafiz, hitting chiaw min in the crossfire 80% of the time. xD
it went like this...
Shazani and ashraf will be spamming staple bullets on the table in between their seats, using my stapler to manufacture their ammo, using their own staples of course, then pouring one whole heap of staples into their hands, they look around for any suspecting teachers, then shout "BOMBS AWAY!!!' / "FIRE IN THE HOLE!! (xDDD i find this damn funny.)" and then fling the entire rain of staples on Hafiz, hitting chiaw min in the process. xDDDD
sigh. 4J ROCKS BODO.
then after school had chem test and physics practical.. heehee i think the chem test not that bad, tho i didnt study. lol.. okay ba.
physics test was...
xD there were weights dropping everywhere, rulers spinning on their pivots.. jabbing vegetarians up their ass with metre rules.. nazri spinning his metre rule on his acupunctured cork.. nadir jumping in shock everytime someone dropped their whole set of apparatus.. nadir turning around to screw hazzan and hasif's experiment by spinning their ruler and upsetting their balance. LOL.
so yes, life in 4J RAWKS! xD
the best part was some stupid sec 1s at the top level screaming in some opera voice. (from his voice, i somehow infer that the boy is fat -.-) and according to mr foo, throwing stuff down.
this was what happened...
Boy: continues singing like a retard.
-sudden silence-
Nazri: baik mr foo!
4J: (laughs)
then after a while can hear DM's voice talking to the boy upstairs xD
today... was a sleepy day.
had physics, where i was dozing off.. mrs goh changed my seating place coz she said it was bad for me and nigel to be sitting together. GUESS WHO SHE MADE ME SIT WITH.
SAMSUL. LOL. good job. so yeah, played more lo. xD but still was dozing off. she keep on waking me up. then tell me stand up. so i stood up lo. in the end still can fall asleep while standing up LOL.
then she ask me go wash my face to wake up. but i didnt want to uh. so she ask me go outside class and jump. -.-
lame. so i went out with her lo. stretched abit. tiptoed -.- she wanted me to jump. PERVERTIC PAEDOPHILE!!
LOL. then went back into the physics lab, and slept again HAHAHA.
then we had english, where i slept -.-
geog, where i slept -.-
math, where i slept -.-
amath, where i couldnt sleep coz mdm halilah was damn angry at 4J. apparently some ppl went to ask other class people for clues to the test. and she said we have no integrity. yes. i agree. some people ah. really shameless one. did wrong le, still cannot stand up properly and act gangster -.-
lame sia. want to act gangster with that physique and that height. i know i'm not one to talk about height, but at least i'm taller. xD and yes, i really dislike that guy, and think that he's nothing but platypus shit. so yeah. NOT HAPPY COME FIND ME ARHHH. xDDDD sound familiar? read it on someone's blog HAHAHA.
then had mother tongue, where shen laushi was really pissed coz so many ppl failed their overall becoz of not doing chinese assignments like compo and letter writing. LOL. one of them, is me! oh and yes i got 0/20 for the amath test!!! which is why i have to do 5 amath question from ten-year-series book every week.
i still dun get why ppl bother to cheat for exams -.- xD like what nadir said," why bother cheating?! just fail la!" HAHAHAHA.
or what nigel says,"ah who cares -.- this test and assignments won't be counted in O levels anyway." LOL.
what nipples i have for classmates. -.-
anw.. had geog test. damn. everytime i have geog test in 4G i cant focus xD.
then had social studies lecture, where this time I was flinging staples at zhen hui's head, and the malays were playing hang man, and then nigel and yisong copy them -.-
then went for band. HEEHEE. i think i played better today than on saturday!!! =DDDD
and then after band went to eat with ee zeng yong xin and ko song.
then waited for 31 at the bus stop, where me and ee zeng were entertained by yong xin and yi song have a sissy brawl. LOL. damn funny la. go watch the videos in ee zeng's phone. haha he tmrw sending me. trust me, its bloody funny. HAHA. what with traditional greeting dances and long range humps. HAHAHA.
so... to end this post, i shall upload a convo with sherlynn the stick woman, proving that screw is NOT equals to making love. xDDD
Sherlynn. ` What's with you?! says:
" In slang, screw = make love.
So, they are the same ? "
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
Sherlynn. ` What's with you?! says:
Kenneth - says:
Sherlynn. ` Sherllyne? That's not my name! says:
Sherlynn. ` Sherllyne? That's not my name! says:
Kenneth - says:
come in slang is CUM
Sherlynn. ` Sherllyne? That's not my name! says:
Kenneth - says:
but coming is NOT equals to cumming!!!
Sherlynn. ` Sherllyne? That's not my name! says:
kay whatever
Sherlynn. ` Sherllyne? That's not my name! says:
go on!
Kenneth - says:
there! point proven!
Sherlynn. ` Sherllyne? That's not my name! says:
Kenneth - says:
u can like use screw in DnT
Sherlynn. ` Sherllyne? That's not my name! says:
The reason behind my MSN display name ...
Kenneth - says:
like drill a hole in the block for a screw
Kenneth - says:
u cant say
Kenneth - says:
drill a hole in the block to make love!
Sherlynn. ` Sherllyne? That's not my name! says:
Yongxin sucks so much at spelling that he spelled my name as Sherllyne -.-
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
Sherlynn. ` Sherllyne? That's not my name! says:
Sherlynn. ` Sherllyne? That's not my name! says:
Sherlynn. ` Sherllyne? That's not my name! says:
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
k wait
Kenneth - says:
frankenstein has screws on the sides of his head
Kenneth - says:
u cant say
Sherlynn. ` Sherllyne? That's not my name! says:
Kenneth - says:
people made love with the side of frankenstein's head!
Kenneth - says:
Sherlynn. ` Sherllyne? That's not my name! says:
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
oh yes. i own. xDDDD
posted @ 9:58 PM |
Sunday, February 15, 2009
i have a premonition. i'm screwed.
there're DnT O level assignments to be handed in tomorrow, and i cant do anything about it.
why, u may ask?
this may sound a little stupid, but my com got no microsoft office and i cant freaking use the templates for PIES, and also cant do the definition of theme. screwed big time.
damn la. WHY?!
and then... some sec 3s still dunno that they wun have practice until after common test. laggers -.-
zzz i left my chem worksheet in school!!! Mr Tan sure kill me. damn. and tmrw the new girl coming. zzz life's so hectic.
posted @ 9:29 PM |
YEAH!!! band ytd was a blast man!!
hehe. alot of ppl gave me stuff la. thanks alot!! xD suddenly this year got so much. usually nobody give one. anw.. i brought chocolate too. but then ppl give me when i doing QM duty... so yeah. couldnt give them back in time. SORRY AH.
came to school at 9 ytd, met andrew, coz we were supposed to open office for alumni. hehe. saw ming wei in the hall, then realised he was teaching dance girls DRILLS. AHAHHA.
that was rather entertaining. xD lol they looked like they were suffering. BUT i think their drills are better than some ppl. xD GOOD JOB!!
then played basketball with ee zeng dylan and ethel xD
then after that had to do some QM stuff with andrew.. freaking tiring sia. we were bloody exhausted and started to get delirious. xD here are the photos of andrew delirious..see the masking tape and markers? see what andrew does with it. xDDDDD
oh sure. xD
then had lunch with my section at banquet.. hehe with the bubble tea stall nearby, it makes banquet oh so more welcoming. xD
then me and kay rui went to buy bubble tea.. damn funny. kay rui ordered Blueberry milk tea.
and the auntie was like carrying the syrup, and suddenly she stared at the syrup. 3 seconds later of staring, she screamed and threw it in the air. then she stared at the floor where the syrup was, and after 5 seconds of staring, she screamed and jumped around. HAHAHA.
but then she told me and kay rui it was because a lizard jumped on her hand. LOL
then after lunch sec 4s had sectionals.. hehehe =X loved it.
then we had combined in the studio.. LOL OMFG. we sounded damn good. dunno why either. just suddenly damn nice, and then time was like passing damn quickly. and i wanted to stay in combined!! but then go for dinner.
and WOW the dinner was damn nice. but then my whole section almost all cannot finish the food LOL. and tubas freaking finished theirs. pigs. xD
then sound check in SCH.. LOL yong xin switched instrument with me, and he couldnt control that inst. kept overplaying. that instrument is damn hard to use la. the one with the corroded lacquer.
i think because of the corroded lacquer, the tone is affected thru the whole instrument. but the instrument makes ur lower notes nicer, but when u go in the middle range, its damn dangerous coz the note will sound "forced". but yong xin didnt know. xD
so ytd he didnt sound too good haha. then he was pissed xD
then he was dying coz that trombone is the heaviest trombone we have, and the weight is DAMN unbalanced. xD
so yeah. reached home at 11.30 last night. was bloody tired. kept falling asleep on the bus and almost missed my house -.-lol
fell asleep the moment i hit the sack. heh.
but both me and ee zeng agree. band rocks. xD
posted @ 11:22 AM |
Friday, February 13, 2009
hmm.. just found out about this website..
apparently its this site with questions uh. and its like vocab questions.. math questions... not very difficult either.
the thing that attracted me was: for each question u answer correctly, rice is donated to the really starving people through the UN food nation thingy..
which is quite cool huh. being able to help by just sitting behind ur com, clicking ur mouse and thinking.
and the questions may help in school, u know. =) come on people, lend a helping hand!
posted @ 9:43 PM |
so... here are the photos i owe =)this was vandalised on his amath book yesterday :
touch my body -> Kenneth
Crack my nuts -> Ko Song (that's yisong's nickname in 4J. xD)check out his hand, with his "moles". xD they were drawn!!!
fake moles -.-
oh yes, i will. xD
anw... heh. friday the thirteenth. weird uh. but still okay. LOL. like any other day.
weird because... got some weird things happen to me uh.
like during recess i went to the L-shape 1st floor boys toilet. and i heard noises n the cubicle like.. water sound xDDDD , someone clearing the throat as quietly as he could, and then the toilet flushing.
then when i went to wash hand. i looked in the reflection of the mirror to check out who was in the cubicle uh. and... there was nobody. huhuhu. heh.
then went for DnT.. coz there's this chain on my pencil case, it was like dangling as i walked. and then suddenly i felt someone tug lightly on the chain. i thought it was nigel uh, coz he was walking with me. then i turned around, and he was like quite far away, so it couldn't have been him -.-
but just to make sure, i ask him uh. he said he never tug -.-
and then during the lesson... i suddenly found this bloodstain on my thumb. which was weird, coz i didnt bleed anywhere that could have caused that much blood, and neither did anyone close to me.
and i was like rubbing the bloodstain area to see if i was cut anywhere near there, and no, i wasnt hurt. .__. weird huh?
but anw.. i think that i'm finally starting to gear up for O levels le. as in. i'm doing homework again!! YAY! and i'm quite concerned for my DnT work. but then got no printer and no microsoft office at home -.- so quite screwed.
ZZZZ. the torture of not having microsoft office. it screws ur whole life upside down.
heh. valentine's day. my valentine is...
TK Band!!! yay!!!
posted @ 8:42 PM |
Thursday, February 12, 2009
YAY!!! i feel damn syok now. I'VE COMPLETED MY A-MATH HOMEWORK!!! lolololololl wow. a great sense of accomplishment achieved =)))
anw, 4J's gonna have a new student coming in on Monday. A girl. i wonder what SHE'll be like. HOPEFULLY, unlike none of the girls in 4J currently. xDDDD IF YOU CAN CALL THEM GIRLS. HAHAHAHA!!
anyway, its getting late. and i sorta forget what happened today, except that i remember it was a wonderful day!! =DDDD
zzz wanted to make a retarded post about Mr Lai Yi Song, CEO of the Skinny Gay Gigolo Company, with the popular slogan, "Touch Me."
BUT. blogger not letting me upload photos. zzz ah well. nvm. another time.
GOODNIGHT!! =DDDD yesshhhh tmrw got skating! WHOOSH.
posted @ 10:23 PM |
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
sigh. PE was a total disappointment. i thought can play basketball -.-
end up play discus throwing -.- wtf.
but after PE, mdm halilah really suprised me during amath. i mean. i never expected her to notice. heh. ah well. it feels weird. i'm really grateful anyway..
somehow or rather everyone seems to be having problems today... hmmm..
anyway, i didnt manage to fulfill what i wanted to do, which was do amath homework while waiting for clts to end masterclass, due to other sec 4 band members slacking in school. xD distractions.
hmm.. for assembly Mr Thomas Chong came to talk to us. rather interesting. i find his public speaking skills very good haha. xD HIS LAUGHTER ROCKS MAN!!!
hmmm.. dunno what to blog abt at the moment. xD very sian uh. and I GOTTA DO HOMEWORK. HAHHAA. assholes. i know what u all will say about me doing homework -.-
posted @ 8:24 PM |
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
because i wanted to quickly do it, with people rushing me, i acted selfishly. i asked around whether it belonged to people, but nobody claimed it. so i assumed it was leftover over weeks of people's garbage.
after using it, i just left it in the canteen.
Now, i'm feeling damn guilty and sorry. i dunno what to do now. dunno how to face u tmrw.
I AM SO SORRY!! please don't hate me for this..
posted @ 10:40 PM |
MUAHAHA. bashed sherlynn just now. AND SHIT! i forgot what i wanted to blog about!!! zzzz You have been having sex since forever, you know how to satisfy the person ur with, u love trying new things whether is in a public place or else. You are the Pro. LOL!!!
k so anyway.. let's run thru the day... reached school on time.. hehe wasnt late!! and then had a band meeting after assembly. mdm shahera said that band prac was cancelled today. (and the sec 2s were being shouted at by Lee Yan Kheng, oblivious to the sec 4 band members, who made a hell lot of noise xDDDD)
but in the end it was a false call la. there instead was compulsory sectionals -.-
so went for physics.. this part sian bodo. mrs goh come and ask for E-profiling form. and i didnt do -.- so i have to pay $1 to class fund.
KNNB. NOT EVERYONE HAS THAT MUCH MONEY OKAY! stop eating our freaking money, dammit! like wth's so impt abt that stupid form?! spoil my whole mood today sia stupid bakkwa seller.
*takes breath, then farts it out.* HAHAHAHA.
then english. haha can slack. then got this group discussion to make a story -.- i was grouped with ariel yinshuang amanda and jia yu -.-
i didnt talk at all. coz it was like too girly for me to enter and speak. i could almost see the flowers flying around with butterflies -.- damn. scary. it seriously caused me to have goosebumps. HAHA.
then i had to present a story about vigilantman and distractedwoman -.- even know i can still feel the goosebumps.
IMAGINE THIS. ur presenting a story to a class of 35 sec 4s. a story about some villain tricking people into going into a Fallout Boy concert which doesnt exist, so as to coerce money from govt -.-
then vigilant man saves the day by distracting the Distracted woman by saying there's a unicorn in the zoo. and the retard woman flies into the cage to see the unicorn -.-
and then he locks it. WTF RIGHT?! damn. goosebumps all over..
then after that geog elect.. haha mrs chen chided me for screwing up the geog test.. and asked me why.. i said," cant focus ah that day.. couldnt think.."
then she said," then how? if O lvl day cannot think?"
i said" haha won't one la xDDD"
then she smiled and said," sure ah? " then walked away. hehehe mrs chen so nice. xDDD
then recess... NIGEL IS GAY!! =DDDDD
e-math. haha mrs hwang was in a good mood. so yeah. 4J was damn fun. HAHA.
had amath after that. mdm halilah was quite glad that i tried to do differentiation homework. hehe.
then had mother tongue!! slack all the way~~
after school--
had Geog lecture in audi, where i was in the middle of a war by nigel and erina -.- LOL.
then had SS in 4J, where i disturbed Ashraf ALL THE WAY. xD
then went for sectionals, where bass trombonists were being bastards. xD couldnt stop laughing. damn. think abt it now still can laugh. HAHA.
then after band bash sherlynn.. hehe but it turned into "bash-yong-xin" too!! xD coz he splashed water on me. HAHHA. chenjing best. when fall out to wet sherlynn, she so enthu chiong in with her water bottle that she splashed me instead -.- LOLOLOLOL.
then locked up the place, and went home with ee zeng.
anw this just happened. i received a chain message from my sis, saying:
Don't Ever Leave The One You Love For The One You Like, Because The One You Like Will Leave You For The One They Love.. Tonight Your True Love Will Realize How Much They Love You.. On Valentine Day The Shock Of Your Life Will Occur. If You Break This Chain You Will HaveBad Luck 4 Every Valentine Days. Send 2 10 Ppl In 15mint Including Me If U Treat me as 0ne of y0ur loved ones.
dun dare to send to girl ah. xD scared later they get wrong idea. so i sent to...: Harith, Nigel, Yong Xin, Ee Zeng, Wilmar, Kay Rui, Andrew, Sis, Nicholas Ng, Hong Wan.
Yong Xin: Go to hell la u
Me: HAHAHA. Your reaction win bodo.
Kay Rui:Don't Ever Leave The One You Love For The One You Like, Because The One You Like Will Leave You For The One They Love.. Tonight Your True Love Will Realize How Much They Love You.. On Valentine Day The Shock Of Your Life Will Occur. If You Break This Chain You Will HaveBad Luck 4 Every Valentine Days. Send 2 10 Ppl In 15mint Including Me If U Treat me as 0ne of y0ur loved ones.
Me: so who's your Valentine?
Kay Rui: You.
Me: Yeah baby. Love you too! muacks!
YX: Lol kay rui just sms-ed me the same thing
Me: yes me too xD
and then this. xDDD
i was msning with sherlynn uh.
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
she doesnt say that
Kenneth - says:
she says,...
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
Sherlynn. ` " Yongxin looks like Yongxin! " says:
Then the typical Singaporean mother then.
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
pinoy mum
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
not singaporean AT ALL
Kenneth - says:
Sherlynn. ` " Yongxin looks like Yongxin! " says:
Sherlynn. ` " Yongxin looks like Yongxin! " says:
ShiChun | Jazz Band =D Om Nom Nom.. says:
lols. sat.. valentine's day with yx? =x Wtf bxstard ._________________.
Kenneth - says:
Sherlynn. ` " Yongxin looks like Yongxin! " says:
Wtf uh ._.
Sherlynn. ` " Yongxin looks like Yongxin! " says:
Rashidah another one.
Sherlynn. ` " Yongxin looks like Yongxin! " says:
" Yongxin uh Yongxin! " Zzz.
Sherlynn. ` " Yongxin looks like Yongxin! " says:
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
coz ur mind will be filled with sexual thoughts?
Kenneth - says:
Sherlynn. ` " Yongxin looks like Yongxin! " says:
Sherlynn. ` " Yongxin looks like Yongxin! " says:
I get influenced easily.
Sherlynn. ` " Yongxin looks like Yongxin! " says:
If I'm hearing someone talk, most probably I'd end up jotting the sentence down.
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
Sherlynn. ` " Yongxin looks like Yongxin! " says:
Like when Daveena was talking about band sectionals and I was writing about Titanic.
Sherlynn. ` " Yongxin looks like Yongxin! " says:
" When the Titanic sunk, there were sectionals "
Sherlynn. ` " Yongxin looks like Yongxin! " says:
So, you get my point.
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
Sherlynn. ` " Yongxin looks like Yongxin! " says:
Sherlynn. ` " Yongxin looks like Yongxin! " says:
Another example.
Sherlynn. ` " Yongxin looks like Yongxin! " says:
Mr Herbert White was quoted as saying, " I am horribly disappointed in Yongxin "
Sherlynn. ` " Yongxin looks like Yongxin! " says:
Sherlynn. ` " Yongxin looks like Yongxin! " says:
Sherlynn. ` " Yongxin looks like Yongxin! " says:
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
Sherlynn. ` " Yongxin looks like Yongxin! " says:
Walao, then she go circle Yongxin -.-
LOL. dicks.
ah well.
PHOTOSBy Ashraf during recess. xD
By nazri. BLACK INK!!
Ee Zeng. xDDDDD
oh yes just did a quiz on facebook.
How Dirty is Your Mind?The Master
posted @ 9:02 PM |
Monday, February 9, 2009
lololololol. tmrw we're gonna bash her. or rather.. bash is a wrong word. coz its just water. and she's telling me she's scared about HERS tomorrow. well, let me tell u about MINE..
after band on 12 May 2007, Imma fell me in in the assembly plaza. xD.
all the sec 3s and sec 2 guys immediately crowded. LOL. ><
so imma said "do whatever u all wanna do with him uh" and went off for an SL meeting with Mr Azlan..
so gabriel and benjamin chiong forward with water bottles.. splashed me from head to toe. and they even opened my shorts to splash water in >< cold bodo.
then chin kiat arrived with chili sauce and mashed potato from KFC-.-
the chili sauce went on my head and shirt.. smeared all over. then the mashed potato. they plopped it on my head and then smeared it. then they made a smiley face with the chili and potato on my shirt -.- water was continuously being splashed. LOL.
then 20 mins later.. imma arrived. HAHA. "OMG! what u all do to him?! kenneth fall out fall out!"
all run away -.-
but anw, i didnt chase them xD just walked to the toilet to wash up and change. but was freeezing my ass off on the bus later on. xD
so anw.. sherlynn's gona be the 1st trombonist to be bashed in 2 years!! unless u count yong xin's last year =X
anw.. today. was sleepy. xD almost fell asleep during chem and maths..
i understood amath lecture!! YAY. mdm halilah put me and nazri under intensive care infront of the class in the audi.
i was enjoying a very entertaining pen fight by hazzan and nazri. they were like drawing all over each other. and hasif and samsul were joining in. HAHAHA.
then english... haha. was falling asleep.
after school got chem lecture.. hehe still okay. the lesson was rather interesting.. xD
then after science went to GM house to play basketball with GM paesson dean and siyu..
lololololol. OH YES. at the GM house bus stop, i was waiting for bus with siyu and paesson.. then 196 passed.. and the faizah-lookalike sec 1 band girl was waving at me. LOL. i dunno what to do la. so yeah. if you happen to read this, i'm sorry if i offended u by not responding.. =)
then met Shaun of batch 2008 on the bus. LOL. last year sec 4 la. basketball team. haha. up till now.. i still think he's one of the best seniors i have ever known.. tho i havent been his junior for like 3 years? LOL. so i chatted with him for a long time ah.. talking about his life and mine at the moment. haha he told me some stuff about polys and JCs.. i still dunno where to go. xD
so now...
posted @ 7:35 PM |
Sunday, February 8, 2009
NOOO-A!!!! my sis and my mum got new phones in my face, leaving me in a totally high and dry state of envy -.-
cheesepie. so now there's a spare phone, which has a touch pad, and is a slide phone, and has RADIO.
my mum doesn't wanna let me have it. zzz
ah well. wonder why. but then my father say want to send to philippines give my cousins use zzz
the main reason why i want a new phone is coz my current one no radio -.- and its WALKMAN. WALKMAN NO RADIO. bagus bodo -.-
and their camera are like so pro la -.- pawns nigel's phone. while mine sucks. SIGHHH.
too bad. xD
anw maybe tmrw can play basketball!! hopefully yong ming they all playing then i can join. xD
to end this post, i shall post a convo between me and peh peh!!
(- Sanzo -) I'll never leave you, as long as you're with me ) says:
(- Sanzo -) I'll never leave you, as long as you're with me ) says:
wanted to say sth but forgot.
(- Sanzo -) I'll never leave you, as long as you're with me ) says:
ah yes
Kenneth - says:
damn i feel like shitting -.-
(- Sanzo -) I'll never leave you, as long as you're with me ) says:
i dunno wad to give Naz for valentine's.. =\
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
dunno why but that's really funny
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
give her a photo of u in ur birthday suit
Kenneth - says:
that's the best
(- Sanzo -) I'll never leave you, as long as you're with me ) says:
Kenneth - says:
(- Sanzo -) I'll never leave you, as long as you're with me ) says:
and u noe wad
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
u wanna fuck me
(- Sanzo -) I'll never leave you, as long as you're with me ) says:
ur "photo of bday suit"
Kenneth - says:
i'm feeling rather uncomfortable right now
(- Sanzo -) I'll never leave you, as long as you're with me ) says:
actually gave me an idea..
(- Sanzo -) I'll never leave you, as long as you're with me ) says:
Kenneth - says:
if u were to be pregnant, are u ready to be the mother of my child?!
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
just pulling ur hairy vegetarian le
Kenneth - says:
Kenneth - says:
(- Sanzo -) I'll never leave you, as long as you're with me ) says:
Kenneth - says:
*yank yank*
(- Sanzo -) I'll never leave you, as long as you're with me ) says:
Kenneth - says:
nigel screams ouch, pinoy!!!
Kenneth - says:
kenneth throws a pokeball!!
Kenneth - says:
nigel is caught!!
(- Sanzo -) I'll never leave you, as long as you're with me ) says:
Kenneth - says:
(- Sanzo -) I'll never leave you, as long as you're with me ) says:
wtf la.
HAHAHA. okay. i am too high tonight. perhaps i'm too happy that i've got unlimited sms. =DDDDD
posted @ 8:35 PM |
Friday, February 6, 2009
basket. still going clubbing. i WISH i was 19th. or rather 18th. LOL.
i'm still drained out. still no energy to do whatever i used to do -.-
little finger is still causing alot of problems. tmrw got band some more. most probably my little finger's gonna cause a hell lot of inconvenience. zzz
anw, how to say this without offending alot of people who put in alot of effort for it...
the Road Run....
sucked. =X
sorry la. but i think it was just boring. just go there. put bag down. sit down on the grass. do warm up. stand up. run. walk. run. walk. run. walk. then sit down again. then rain comes. sit under rain. stand. go sit in houses. watch people get prizes. stand up. go home -.-
heh. i'm such an ass. oops. guess i'm still exhausted and moody to be happy about anything. i dunno why. i'm just getting so pissed recently.
things just spark me off easily. maybe its lack of sleep ba. ah well. zzz
especially some people ah. really want to piss me off. i may not show it, but you never know. just watch yourself.
okay sorry. that was just... weird. SEE? i'm just suddenly so.. (cant find a word).
so.... so... so... anaemic - Quoted From Sherlynn. LOL.
damn tired. absolutely no power. like today during fire drill, i was like sitting in assembly plaza under the hot sun, and when i lay my head on my arm, i just fell asleep. wtf man -.-
Life is getting weirder. oh yes.
posted @ 8:40 PM |
Thursday, February 5, 2009
today i really enjoyed myself, but then at the expense of my well-being -.- freaking exhausted now.
over-played basketball.. zzz. body's in a bad condition right now. as in every where aching. leg bone's screwed up. sole's sore.. finger sprained.. one of my toe's sprained too. and its got this BIG cut in it. actually not cut la. its more of a hole. coz the skin's just scraped off due to excessive skidding. zzz and energy-wise... its like i got only 3% energy only. -.-
but anw. it was worth it... i think. haha. enjoyed myself so much. but then. now i'm screwed. tmrw got choices skating. LOL. and then got road run. WAH. die man.
now i'm so exhausted i cant even remember what happened the past two days. zzz or blog. so yeah. ciaos.. sorry, my dear readers. haha.
posted @ 7:53 PM |
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
today was a sleepyyyy day...
i guess i stayed up too late last night watching Russel Peters. LIKE OMFG MAN. THAT GUY RULES! i was laughing my ass off even at 11.30 PM.
so this morning was like freaking sleepy. slept on the bus to school.. slept during physics, slept during english.. nearly fell asleep during geog...
managed to stay awake during emaths... stayed awake in amaths... stayed awake in MT.
WOW. heh. emaths was.. i was interested. LOL.
amath i stayed up coz.. i was trying to do the questions, and i finally understand R formula!! WHEEE~~~ but i'm still screwed for the Compound Angle Quiz on Friday. zzzz
Chinese. HAHA. play handphone all the way. NBA ROCKS!!
then had SS test. thought it was okay, coz i managed to write quite alot. xD Iraq-Kuwait war interests me alot. i dunno why. HAHA.
then i heard there was SS class for 4J and 4E. sadly, all of the 4J students go home liao. HAHA. while yisong and me chiong for band.
heh. saw a hell lot of sec 1s. got 1 quite attitude. ming wei thinks so too. lol. cant say much about the rest. ONE OF THEM LOOKS LIKE FAIZAH SIOL.
but anw. ran around the school to confirm masterclasses going on today, and to find classes for them. the people last minute then say -.-
then had band prac.. no comments haha..
after band, went to It's a Prime Prata Corner! with yong xin, yisong and ee zeng. OH YEAH dylan too. LOL.
and me and yong xin were like doing Russel Peters imitations of the indian accent, then we realised the people in the shop were staring. HAHA. and yong xin even do the f___face movement. and the shopkeeper stare at him like some freak. LOL.
on the bus home, yong xin and ee zeng were making retard faces.
PHOTOSThe Chendog. HAHA.
here, with night mode on. LOL. see his f___face? HAHA.
posted @ 9:33 PM |
Monday, February 2, 2009
muahahhaa. i played basketball just now!! FUN BODOOOO...
so today school was... sleepy. hehehe. as usual -.-
had physics test and lesson after school, i know for sure i'm gonna fail that test. didnt know how to do ALOT of questions. so after "completing" the paper, i slept -.-
then had the lesson.. and then went to GM's house to play basketball!! xD ownage, baby. I LOVE BASKETBALL!!!
but anw, that joker told me his condo card was lost. u know how? his father lost his overseas, borrowing guan ming's. then he lost it. OWNAGE BODO. and if u lose one condo card, u need to pay $50 to replace one. sadness. LOLOLOLOL.
anw, his father lost his mum's before. but found it in KL. LOL. apparently his dad travels overseas alot for his work la. so yeah.
supposed to wake up at 5.30 for church. which i did. then after preparing my coffee, i stupidly decided to lie down on my bed for a minute, coz i was dying -.-
i woke up at 10am to my mum screaming at me for not going to church -.-
coz i told her i WOULD go in the morning, coz on saturday night i stayed for band prac -.- kind of.
but anw, went visiting to my uncle's house in Jurong. but i needed to search for new school shoes. and i really want to buy basketball shoes. coz of my ankle -.- i need more support for running and jumping hehe.
so went to Bedok first.. saw the sportslink. got the shoes like pricing from $54.90 - $100+++
LIKE OMFG. can die la. my budget $50. -.-
so we gave up on Bedok, and went to my cousin's house in Jurong!! hehehe. slept on the MRT.
gambled there, and like fking suay la. its like either i lose money, or i barely escape coz banker explode. LOL. lucky not my money. HAHAHA MY FATHER PAID FOR ME.
then at 6++ desperate to buy shoes le, coz tmrw got school. so we went to the nearest mall, IMM!!
and oh hot damn!! i hit the jackpot! found a shop specialised on Basketball stuff. Called "Anta by Sportslink."
coz all sportslink shops have Anta Brands, but only a bit. and its like they put in one corner. and the one in bedok have the Anta shoes like this.
Bedok shop
U.P.: $74.90
Offer: $54.90
IMM. (same type of shoe.)
U.P : $74.90
Offer: $29.90
and its like ALL the basketball shoes there, regardless of model, are at offer of $29.90!! muahahhaa. so i bought a pair, which are close to white colour to wear for school shoes. HAHAHA.
the sales lady was really nice. she was explaining to me and my mum abt the type of shoes... how to check if the size is right... etc etc. hehehe.
bought one jersey top too. lolollol.
its the only part of CNY i liked! hehehe.
yay tmrw got band! xD
posted @ 8:07 PM |